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 dramatist ['dræmәtist]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 剧作家

  1. The dramatist was respected by people in his country.
  2. With his new play he has consolidated his position as the country's leading dramatist.
    他有了新创作的剧本, 巩固了他在国内的杰出剧作家的地位.
  3. The dramatist flourished around1930.

[ noun ]
someone who writes plays

Dramatist \Dram"a*tist\, n. [Cf. F. dramatiste.]
The author of a dramatic composition; a writer of plays.

  1. Thomas Shadwell, poet laureate and restoration dramatist, was much derided by John Dryden over 300 years ago and has had to wait a long time for a modern production.
  2. Motton still looks like an immensely promising dramatist writing about pain.
  3. CP Taylor was a dramatist of prodigious output, better known in Scotland and the north east than in London.
  4. But the dramatist and I differ in our basic approach to the women who stand behind fishy-smelling market stalls. As a lover of good language, he had little sympathy for them.
  5. He's probably the most contemporary dramatist there is.
  6. The committee is made up of Czechoslovak activists, mainly intellectuals, in a bid to publicize the imprisoned dramatist's case and gain support for his nomination for the prestigious prize, Palach Press said.
  7. In short, Troy is a complex character, and part of Mr. Wilson's strength as a dramatist is that he shows the man whole, with the full measure of his shortcomings as well as his strengths.
  8. I would suggest that he is that rare actor, one who has the temperament of a writer - and not necessarily a dramatist.
  9. Pulitzer Prize-winning dramatist Thornton Wilder said the colony gave him kindness when he needed it and "a place to hear myself think."
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