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 downswing ['daʊnswiŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 下降趋势

[经] 向下摆动

  1. That's why his hips unwound so fast on the downswing.
  2. Not that Britain is much better protected against the continued downswing in the world economy.
  3. When you attempt a swing using the Secret, key the downswing by pushing your right knee inward both to the left and toward the ball.

[ noun ]
  1. a swing downward of a golf club

  2. <noun.act>
  3. a worsening of business or economic activity

  4. <noun.act>
    the market took a downturn

  1. Falling Japanese government bond prices resulting from the yen's continuing plunge and the stock market's downswing this morning also made the yen less attractive to investors, he said.
  2. Currency dealers said the dollar's retreat followed its downswing against the yen in New York overnight, although it was mostly higher against other major currencies.
  3. "A lot of the industrial construction was on the West Coast," Seiders said, "not smokestack stuff, but high-tech facilities. Office building is basically still on a downswing despite its February gain.
  4. But dealers say the dollar is expected to head downward early next year in anticipation of a further downswing in U.S. interest rates, the subject of speculation in recent weeks.
  5. These are concentrated heavily in the south-east, where prices rose faster and higher than in other part of the country at the peak of the market - only to fall almost as spectacularly during its downswing.
  6. He notes that it was the sharp downswing in phosphate prices in the mid-1980s that led Beker to seek protection from its creditors under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.
  7. The market has been on a long-term downswing since Dec. 29, when the latest postwar "Superbowl" market peaked at 38,916 points, said Darrel Whitten, director of research at the Tokyo office of Prudential Bache Securities.
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