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 divestiture [də'vɛstətʃɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 剥夺, 脱衣

[法] 剥夺

  1. We can found out the minute difference of divestiture from this chapter.
  2. A group of students gathered in front of the administration building to demand divestiture.

[ noun ]
  1. an order to an offending party to rid itself of property; it has the purpose of depriving the defendant of the gains of wrongful behavior

  2. <noun.communication>
    the court found divestiture to be necessary in preventing a monopoly
  3. the sale by a company of a product line or a subsidiary or a division

  4. <noun.act>

Divestiture \Di*vest"i*ture\ (?; 135), n.
The act of stripping, or depriving; the state of being
divested; the deprivation, or surrender, of possession of
property, rights, etc.

  1. The divestiture also would enable Hospital Corp. to lop two layers of operating management, according to Victor L. Campbell, vice president, investor relations.
  2. The suit sought to compel the divestiture of Cirrus, Plus and Interlink.
  3. The hospital management company said the loss reflects a pre-tax charge of $81.8 million, primarily for the divestiture of seven rural hospitals and most of its non-hospital operations.
  4. In 1985, for example, the company took a $2.7 million charge because of the divestiture of its EA-International advertising units in Europe.
  5. The media company said the sales, which are expected to be completed during the first quarter, will conclude its divestiture program.
  6. The "Baby Bells" _ the seven regional operating companies that were split off from AT&T in the divestiture _ almost immediately galloped out ahead of their progenitor.
  7. The maker of glass, chemicals and coatings, which has nearly 120 million common shares outstanding, said the buy-back will be funded by proceeds from operations and the divestiture of businesses that aren't meeting its strategic objectives.
  8. The monopolies would be under even greater threat if cable television companies were generally allowed to provide telephone services over their networks. Extra costs The divestiture restrictions have outlived their useful life.
  9. Avon has been restructuring and the process is to be completed this year with the divestiture of its remaining businesses in the health care services field.
  10. AT&T, which has changed its position from fiercely fighting divestiture to staunchly supporting restrictions for its offspring, had an easier time than the Justice Department did yesterday.
  11. Tylan Corp. said it plans to sell its U.S. diffusion furnace business, and took a $4 million pre-tax charge for its second quarter to reflect anticipated divestiture costs.
  12. Investors have responded favorably to the divestiture plan.
  13. Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, chairman and chief executive officer, said in a statement the divestiture was part of the company's strategy to focus on its other core businesses.
  14. "While it's too early to project the effect of this divestiture on current year earnings, we expect it to be positive," the company said.
  15. Gould also said that because the suspension was limited, it now expects the divestiture of its defense units to be completed, as planned, by late this year or early 1988.
  16. "We continue our inquiry and await with great interest the plan for divestiture," a senior Fed official said yesterday.
  17. The proposed divestiture of Cessna will give General Dynamics the "flexibility necessary to adapt to the new realities of the defense industry," Mr. Anders said in a statement.
  18. In a precedent for such a divestiture, Sun Co. agreed to a similar arrangement in 1979 and sold a 32% stake in Becton, Dickinson & Co. purchased in January 1978.
  19. GM sold its South African unit, renamed Delta Motor Corp., but the firm operates under a licensing and supply agreement with GM that, supporters of South Africa sanctions say, vitiates the effect of the divestiture.
  20. He told holders that the solution to Dome's financial troubles may include the divestiture of its Encor stock.
  21. He continues to enforce the terms of the divestiture.
  22. The assets marked for divestiture include an insurance unit, a brokerage company and an overseas finance operation.
  23. The FTC also won't require divestiture of any Celanese production facilities in Mexico or Canada.
  24. The members also decided to recommend that divestiture of stock holdings be made much more attractive as a way of remedying potential conflicts.
  25. It is Allegheny's biggest divestiture since it began scaling back and focusing on North American operations.
  26. AT&T estimates that about three-quarters of the states have granted it greater flexibility since the divestiture, including 11 that have stopped regulating its profit margins.
  27. The agreement specifies that there won't be any substantial divestiture of Manpower's assets, and that Manpower's management, name and headquarters location will remain the same.
  28. Mr. Magowan, as Safeway's CEO but no longer the man with final decision-making authority, was at first opposed to the extent of the divestiture program, people familiar with the situation say.
  29. The suit asks the federal court to stop the Entree joint venture, compel the divestiture of Cirrus by MasterCard and Plus and Interlink by Visa, and impose fines of as much as $1 million each per violation of antitrust laws.
  30. The real estate venture, EmKay Development, is in the late stages of divestiture, and has been the source of the bulk of the red ink reported recently.
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