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 divided [dә'vaidid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 分开的

  1. A major divided highway designed for high-speed travel.
  2. The teacher divided the younger children from the older ones.
  3. Something divided and portioned out; a share.

[ adj ]
  1. separated into parts or pieces

  2. <adj.all>
    opinions are divided
  3. having a median strip or island between lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions

  4. <adj.all>
    a divided highway
  5. distributed in portions (often equal) on the basis of a plan or purpose

  6. <adj.all>

Divide \Di*vide"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Divided}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Dividing}.] [L. dividere, divisum; di- = dis- + root
signifying to part; cf. Skr. vyadh to pierce; perh. akin to
L. vidua widow, and E. widow. Cf. {Device}, {Devise}.]
1. To part asunder (a whole); to sever into two or more parts
or pieces; to sunder; to separate into parts.

Divide the living child in two. --1 Kings iii.

2. To cause to be separate; to keep apart by a partition, or
by an imaginary line or limit; as, a wall divides two
houses; a stream divides the towns.

Let it divide the waters from the waters. --Gen. i.

3. To make partition of among a number; to apportion, as
profits of stock among proprietors; to give in shares; to
distribute; to mete out; to share.

True justice unto people to divide. --Spenser.

Ye shall divide the land by lot. --Num. xxxiii.

4. To disunite in opinion or interest; to make discordant or
hostile; to set at variance.

If a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom
can not stand. --Mark iii.

Every family became now divided within itself.

5. To separate into two parts, in order to ascertain the
votes for and against a measure; as, to divide a
legislative house upon a question.

6. (Math.) To subject to arithmetical division.

7. (Logic) To separate into species; -- said of a genus or
generic term.

8. (Mech.) To mark divisions on; to graduate; as, to divide a

9. (Music) To play or sing in a florid style, or with
variations. [Obs.] --Spenser.

Syn: To sever; dissever; sunder; cleave; disjoin; disunite;
detach; disconnect; part; distribute; share.

Divided \Di*vid"ed\, a.
1. Parted; disunited; distributed.

2. (Bot.) Cut into distinct parts, by incisions which reach
the midrib; -- said of a leaf.

  1. The plan comes just three days before a meeting between the two Germanys and the four World War II allies that divided Germany _ the Soviet Union, United States, Britain, and France _ to discuss the international ramifications of German unity.
  2. The protesters blame the United States for supporting military rule in South Korea and partitioning the Korean Peninsula, divided since 1945.
  3. When he was cajoled by his divided German coalition partners to agree sharp price cuts in May, farm reform was in the bag. hard Mr Soisson is the unhappiest member of the cast.
  4. But the court now is far more closely divided on its 1973 abortion-legalizing decision, Roe vs. Wade, and Souter again Monday turned aside questions about his personal views on that topic.
  5. Voters are more closely divided on a capital-gains cut and reject by 2-to-1 a cut in the corporate income-tax rate.
  6. The oil wealth divided the Arab world.
  7. The new attitude reflects the fact that, for the first time since Korea was divided in 1945, most Southerners believe that unification is close at hand.
  8. Trade and Industry Secretary Paul Channon declined to specify how the Rolls shares will be divided between institutions and individuals.
  9. But they are divided, in some cases more hostile to each other than to the governing National Liberation Front.
  10. A jury in 1989 divided blame for the crash equally between the United States and the pilot of the small plane.
  11. Jammu-Kashmir was divided between India and Pakistan after the British colonial India was partitioned on gaining independence in 1947.
  12. In a plan approved by President Reagan in April, development of the space station was divided into two phases and scaled down to cut costs.
  13. Analysts are divided over the rumor of Soviet buying primarily because such purchases have fallen short for the previous two years.
  14. "My mother thought the Hudson River divided civilization from the rest of the world.
  15. Traditionally, top posts in Czechoslovakia have been divided between Czechs and Slovaks.
  16. Yesterday, Ricardo's shares closed 3p lower at 162p. FFD, which is based in Coventry and Detroit in the US, made pre-tax profits of Pounds 1.58m last year on turnover of Pounds 16.5m, with the profits divided equally between the US and UK.
  17. Signals from South Africa are confounding the platinum market, which relies on the racially divided nation for more than three-fourths of its supply.
  18. President Roh Tae-woo on Wednesday appealed for a spirit of negotiation after elections in which his party lost its legislative majority to a divided opposition.
  19. But he did not telegraph to skeptical liberals or to newly wary conservatives just where he would stand on the questions awaiting the closely divided court - matters including abortion, civil rights and criminal justice.
  20. The Korean peninsula was divided into the Communist North and capitalist South in 1945 and the two nations fought a civil war in the early 1950s.
  21. Shamir adviser Avi Pazner confirmed in a telephone interview that U.S. and Israeli officials were divided over how to carry out Israel's proposal for elections in the occupied lands.
  22. The agreement provides for a referendum on independence in 1998. During the intervening 10 years the territory would be divided into three provinces with more autonomy.
  23. One potential sticking point is how the profits from the venture will be divided.
  24. Cajun more accurately, they say, can be divided into two major regional dialects, known as bayou Cajun and prairie Cajun, plus a jambalaya of subregional dialects.
  25. In the previous vote, the court divided along bitter ideological lines over whether the Center for Auto Safety and other petitioners had standing to challenge the EPA's 1985 decision to relax the fuel-economy standards.
  26. Instead of integrating into the new united Europe, Yugoslavia is sliding back into the continent's dark divided past, when Serbs and Croats fought their own nasty war within World War II.
  27. Suharto halted a costly two-year war with neighboring Malaysia that had divided the armed forces.
  28. The foreign ministers from the four World War II allies that divided Germany _ the Soviet Union, United States, Britain and France _ are to meet in Bonn on Saturday for their first formal negotiations on German unification.
  29. The Supreme Court has been closely divided on affirmative action disputes, and Wednesday's hour-long argument session provided few hints on the likely outcome of the Richmond case.
  30. Is this what they call subletting?." The Old City, captured from Jordan during the 1967 Middle East war, is divided into Moslem, Christian, Jewish and Armenian quarters.
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