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 dither ['dɪðɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 发抖, 兴奋

vi. 发抖

[电] 震动

  1. Stop dithering about which film you want to see or you'll miss them both!
    到底看哪一部影片, 别再犹豫了, 不然的话, 两部影片你都要耽误了!
  2. Dither– Applies a sampling over the borders of the shadows, quite the same way anti-aliasing is applied by the OSA button on the borders of an object.
  3. The best thing the Administration and Congress could do for the whole economy,…, is to rein in those deficits. Yet on this vital front, all hands dither.

[ noun ]
  1. an excited state of agitation

  2. <noun.state>
    he was in a dither
    there was a terrible flap about the theft
[ verb ]
  1. act nervously; be undecided; be uncertain

  2. <verb.emotion>
  3. make a fuss; be agitated

  4. <verb.emotion> flap pother

  1. His enemies are at the gates, perhaps within them, and he can't dither too much longer before casting his lot.
  2. We are running out of time even to catalogue this living wealth. Yet we dither and we faff. The challenge sounds monumental.
  3. FOR MORE than a few moments there was a distinct impression of dither from the Labour Party.
  4. If you dither you will miss it, like all such peaks, and will end up wondering what it all meant.
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