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 dithering ['dɪðɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 抖动

[计] 抖动

  1. Stop dithering about which film you want to see or you'll miss them both!
    到底看哪一部影片, 别再犹豫了, 不然的话, 两部影片你都要耽误了!
  2. The best thing the Administration and Congress could do for the whole economy,…, is to rein in those deficits. Yet on this vital front, all hands dither.
  3. Pearl: So basically they're dithering. Typical!

[ noun ]
the process of representing intermediate colors by patterns of tiny colored dots that simulate the desired color

  1. It will be accused of dithering just the same.
  2. THE Confederation of British Industry, the employers group, yesterday urged the government to stop dithering and raise women's retirement age to 65. It said: 'The present indecision is causing real concern in the business community.
  3. Likewise, if the dithering Congress refused to lay down a marker and left loopholes in its contra aid ban, the open secret of private fund-raising was not exactly a "threat to the constitutional order," as he argues.
  4. By delaying demerger until the prospects for both sides of its business are clear, ICI would leave itself open to accusations of dithering.
  5. It is far worse to get it wrong and publish quickly. 'The accusation that we have been dithering is unfair.
  6. Kiev's leaders are, for example, still dithering on the brink of radical reforms.
  7. True, Denmark is dithering about dropping controls because of its passport union with Nordic countries.
  8. AFTER YEARS of dithering, the Swiss have reached a moment of decision.
  9. That's no surprise, given that the Philippines is now haggling with the U.S. over leasing prices on the bases; Manila is demanding some six times the current compensation and dithering over a commitment to renew the leases when they expire in 1991.
  10. "While they are dithering and delaying, the situation in the camps is reaching boiling point," he said.
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