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 disposed [dɪ'spozd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 愿意, 倾向于

  1. She seemed well disposed towards us.
  2. The chance of promotion disposed him to accept the offer.
  3. I disposed of my old magazines.

[ adj ]
  1. having made preparations

  2. <adj.all>
    prepared to take risks
  3. (usually followed by `to') naturally disposed toward

  4. <adj.all>
    he is apt to ignore matters he considers unimportant
    I am not minded to answer any questions

Dispose \Dis*pose"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disposed}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Disposing}.] [F. disposer; pref. dis- + poser to
place. See {Pose}.]
1. To distribute and put in place; to arrange; to set in
order; as, to dispose the ships in the form of a crescent.

Who hath disposed the whole world? --Job xxxiv.

All ranged in order and disposed with grace. --Pope.

The rest themselves in troops did else dispose.

2. To regulate; to adjust; to settle; to determine.

The knightly forms of combat to dispose. --Dryden.

3. To deal out; to assign to a use; to bestow for an object
or purpose; to apply; to employ; to dispose of.

Importuned him that what he designed to bestow on
her funeral, he would rather dispose among the poor.

4. To give a tendency or inclination to; to adapt; to cause
to turn; especially, to incline the mind of; to give a
bent or propension to; to incline; to make inclined; --
usually followed by to, sometimes by for before the
indirect object.

Endure and conquer; Jove will soon dispose
To future good our past and present woes. --Dryden.

Suspicions dispose kings to tyranny, husbands to
jealousy, and wise men to irresolution and
melancholy. --Bacon.

{To dispose of}.
(a) To determine the fate of; to exercise the power of
control over; to fix the condition, application,
employment, etc. of; to direct or assign for a use.

Freedom to order their actions and dispose of
their possessions and persons. --Locke.
(b) To exercise finally one's power of control over; to
pass over into the control of some one else, as by
selling; to alienate; to part with; to relinquish; to
get rid of; as, to dispose of a house; to dispose of
one's time.

More water . . . than can be disposed of. --T.

I have disposed of her to a man of business.

A rural judge disposed of beauty's prize.

Syn: To set; arrange; order; distribute; adjust; regulate;
adapt; fit; incline; bestow; give.

Disposed \Dis*posed"\, p. a.
1. Inclined; minded.

When he was disposed to pass into Achaia. --Acts
xviii. 27.

2. Inclined to mirth; jolly. [Obs.] --Beau. & Fl.

{Well disposed}, in good condition; in good health. [Obs.]

  1. Aside from the gain on the sale of the company's book publishing operations, full-year results included a gain of $13.8 million from earnings from book and other disposed assets.
  2. GSX Land Treatment Inc. had contracted to have the 12,000 tons of sewer sludge disposed of at White Castle, La.
  3. A bank employee interviewed by the Associated Press during yesterday's strike explained, "We lack unity to confront these people who have all the arms and are disposed to use them."
  4. The CDC recommends that needles, scalpels and other sharper objects that come in contact with blood and other potentially dangerous body fluids be disposed of in puncture-resistant containers.
  5. They are investigating whether hazardous waste was illegally disposed of at the plant and the actions then covered up.
  6. If Gardner Merchant succeeds, Forte, which has retained a 25 per cent stake, may yet wonder why it disposed of a business that generated so much useful cash to fund its hotels.
  7. When asked about Baker's comments, Ortega said: "I expect Mr. Baker will be disposed to discuss the fundamental problems between us.
  8. The latest third quarter excludes results from units to be disposed of.
  9. The larger creditors are essentially trying to convince the smaller ones that it is better to have an orderly sale of Mr. Trump's assets than allow a bankruptcy judge to decide how they are disposed of.
  10. Partek acquired 25 per cent of Euroc last year. Finland's influential Bjoerneberg and Rettig families disposed of their Partek stakes at FM89.50 a share.
  11. Defiance Precision Products Inc. said it could report "a substantial net loss" for the fourth quarter ended June 25, relating to write-downs from disposed businesses.
  12. Horn & Hardart Co. said it disposed of 33 Bojangles' fast-food restaurants in Florida as part of a retrenchment at its ailing fast-food chain.
  13. In appealing to the Supreme Court, FirsTier said the judge's ruling from the bench disposed of all claims in the case and should be considered a final decision.
  14. The company said that from 1975 to 1980, it disposed of a "mild" chemical agent, which seeped into nearby groundwater wells owned by local homeowners.
  15. Last year the FDIC disposed of the $89 million in assets of one failed bank, First National Bank & Trust Co. of Enid, Okla., in just 60 days.
  16. "We are disposed to be cooperative with great powers and small powers but we will not do so at the cost of our nuclear policy," he said.
  17. It could also be laminated to make it water-resistant. The company believes there will be good consumer acceptance of Fibreapack, which can be disposed of at traditional paper recycling banks.
  18. "Catholics who obstinately persist in these activities, while perhaps not formally excommunicated, should not consider themselves properly disposed to participate in receiving Holy Communion," Pilarczyk said.
  19. Experts welcomed the achievement, saying it could lead to preventing hair loss in men genetically disposed to baldness.
  20. But the long marriage was dull, he said. When his wife died, he disposed of the house.
  21. Sales of the three disposed divisions were DM895m in the first nine months of this year, compared with DM1.06bn in agrochemicals.
  22. Later at GE, Mr. Miller hoped for a chance at a bigger GE job, but Mr. Welch again quashed that desire when he disposed of Mr. Miller's consumer-electronics business.
  23. For example, Union Carbide, the US giant, has disposed of most of its non-bulk activities.
  24. Germany, the main net contributor to the EC budget, is least disposed towards the increase.
  25. The company has disposed of its towing operations, contributing DM85m towards a total capital gain on asset sales of DM120m included in the operating profit figure.
  26. For years, of course, Frenchmen disposed of each other with the invention of Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin.
  27. Drug-related cases made up about a quarter of felonies disposed of in 26 big-city courts in 1987, the report said.
  28. George Soros, the international financier, has sold the majority of his Quantum Fund stake in British Land for a 35 per cent profit, and has also disposed of the fund's shares in Berkeley Group, the Surrey-based housebuilder.
  29. "PrimeTime Live" reported that, among other things, bloodstained needles were not disposed of properly, asbestos was removed near patient quarters and one paralyzed patient was not fed for three days.
  30. Even though the growers have by now disposed of 90 per cent of the 1991-92 crop, they are likely to switch some land from jute to paddy and oilseeds in view of the reaction in fibre prices, according to Mr Shankar Ladia, spokesman for jute trade.
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