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 disposing 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. But at the commissioner’s insistence both must pay a price, through disposing of some of their businesses, in return for their state aid.
  2. Indigenous tribes in many parts of the world discovered that the best way of disposing the dead was to put them up high, rather than down below.
  3. Environmental issues remain a significant concern as open burning is not considered by WHO to be an acceptable means of disposing of immunization-related waste.

Dispose \Dis*pose"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disposed}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Disposing}.] [F. disposer; pref. dis- + poser to
place. See {Pose}.]
1. To distribute and put in place; to arrange; to set in
order; as, to dispose the ships in the form of a crescent.

Who hath disposed the whole world? --Job xxxiv.

All ranged in order and disposed with grace. --Pope.

The rest themselves in troops did else dispose.

2. To regulate; to adjust; to settle; to determine.

The knightly forms of combat to dispose. --Dryden.

3. To deal out; to assign to a use; to bestow for an object
or purpose; to apply; to employ; to dispose of.

Importuned him that what he designed to bestow on
her funeral, he would rather dispose among the poor.

4. To give a tendency or inclination to; to adapt; to cause
to turn; especially, to incline the mind of; to give a
bent or propension to; to incline; to make inclined; --
usually followed by to, sometimes by for before the
indirect object.

Endure and conquer; Jove will soon dispose
To future good our past and present woes. --Dryden.

Suspicions dispose kings to tyranny, husbands to
jealousy, and wise men to irresolution and
melancholy. --Bacon.

{To dispose of}.
(a) To determine the fate of; to exercise the power of
control over; to fix the condition, application,
employment, etc. of; to direct or assign for a use.

Freedom to order their actions and dispose of
their possessions and persons. --Locke.
(b) To exercise finally one's power of control over; to
pass over into the control of some one else, as by
selling; to alienate; to part with; to relinquish; to
get rid of; as, to dispose of a house; to dispose of
one's time.

More water . . . than can be disposed of. --T.

I have disposed of her to a man of business.

A rural judge disposed of beauty's prize.

Syn: To set; arrange; order; distribute; adjust; regulate;
adapt; fit; incline; bestow; give.

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