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 dispersant [dis'pə:sənt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] 分散剂

  1. The basic acting mechanism of the dispersant TAS-A in the plastics colouring was related.
  2. The dispersant gets good effect when used in the dispersion of pigments in organic solvents.
  3. The adhesive consists of dispersant, antiseptic, defoamer, crosslinking agent, liquefacient and some otheradditives.

  1. Corexit is one of a variety of dispersant chemicals Exxon makes. The company tried a kerosene-based blend of the chemical that scientists hoped would break oil free from rocks but wouldn't dissolve it to the point it couldn't be picked up by skimmers.
  2. "There have been many dispersant applications that have been inconclusive and a lot that just didn't work," said John Robinson, chief of the hazardous materials response branch of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
  3. He said Exxon had enough oil dispersant on hand to begin spraying March 25, about 30 hours after the spill, and was awaiting approval from the state and the Coast Guard.
  4. McCall also told investigators Alyeska had in stock less dispersant than would have been needed to significantly reduce damage caused by the spill of nearly 11 million gallons of North Slope crude oil.
  5. The oil company claims that Alaskan officials prevented Exxon from spraying dispersant onto the almost 11 million gallons of oil dumped when one of its tankers ran into an underwater reef.
  6. Exxon has said the oil would not have spread to devastating proportions if state officials had promptly granted permission for the use of dispersant.
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