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 disperse [dɪ'spɚs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 分散, 传播, 散开

vi. 分散

a. 分散的

[计] 分散

[医] 分散的, 弥散的

  1. The police dispersed the crowd.
  2. The wind dispersed the cloud from the sky.
  3. The crowd dispersed.


Disperse \Dis*perse"\, v. i.
1. To separate; to go or move into different parts; to
vanish; as, the company dispersed at ten o'clock; the
clouds disperse.

2. To distribute wealth; to share one's abundance with

He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor. --Ps.
cxii. 9.

Disperse \Dis*perse"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Dispersed}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Dispersing}.] [L. dispersus, p. p. of dispergere to
strew, scatter. See {Sparse}.]
1. To scatter abroad; to drive to different parts; to
distribute; to diffuse; to spread; as, the Jews are
dispersed among all nations.

The lips of the wise disperse knowledge. --Prov. xv.

Two lions, in the still, dark night,
A herd of beeves disperse. --Cowper.

2. To scatter, so as to cause to vanish; to dissipate; as, to
disperse vapors.

Dispersed are the glories. --Shak.

Syn: To scatter; dissipate; dispel; spread; diffuse;
distribute; deal out; disseminate.

  1. A few policemen kept their distance and made no attempt to disperse the demonstrators.
  2. Riot police moved through the streets Saturday firing into the air and telling crowds to disperse.
  3. Police used whips and dogs to disperse hundreds of blacks, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, during mass protests Saturday at two whites-only beaches.
  4. When they could not disperse the mobs, they fired at least 25 canisters of tear gas.
  5. Tass and Radio Vilnius reported that the Soviet soldiers fired warning shots and used water cannons to disperse the crowd.
  6. Witnesses said she encountered soldiers trying to disperse a demonstration as she walked home from school and that she panicked and ran.
  7. It said police there used a helicopter to disperse "several thousand aggressive" protesters.
  8. Dissidents and witnesses said police used clubs and tear gas to disperse pro-democracy demonstrators.
  9. Police used water cannons to disperse about 50 youths who blocked traffic and chanted slogans in support of the women, witnesses said.
  10. Authorities made no attempt to disperse the pro-Front demonstrators, but there was a cordon of soldiers, tanks and armored cars outside the Foreign Ministry building that houses the government headquarters.
  11. The devices either disperse the exhaust of the helicopter's engine - making detection by a heat-seeking missile more difficult - or provide a decoy heat source that confuses a missile's guidance system, he said.
  12. A year ago, police used clubs to disperse a demonstration on the 30th anniversary.
  13. The police are empowered to "take any necessary measure" to disperse illegal gatherings.
  14. South African police used whips and tear gas to disperse hundreds of students at the University of Cape Town in a crackdown on supporters of a nationwide defiance campaign.
  15. Police opened fire to disperse the crowd, and some protesters shot back.
  16. Police drove a car through the crowd gathered in Lublin, 100 miles southeast of Warsaw, to force protesters to disperse.
  17. Individual pickets have a right to carry signs within 500 feet of foreign embassies in the nation's capital but police may disperse groups of three or more protesters there, the Supreme Court ruled Tuesday.
  18. Most injuries occurred when police used steel-tipped batons to disperse the students, it said.
  19. He said the students, from a teacher training college, "attacked the hall and tried to destroy the building," but security forces surrounded them and used tear gas and sticks to disperse them.
  20. Meanwhile, winds topping 25 knots this morning forced postponement of efforts to clean up the sound with chemicals to disperse the oil or fire to burn it off.
  21. In the town of Yate on the south end of the main island, police used tear gas to disperse a crowd of separatists who erected a barricade.
  22. American Home will set up a trust fund to disperse payments to women injured by the Shield.
  23. Burmese troops made no moves to disperse a crowd of about 100,000 people who demonstrated peacefully in Rangoon for democracy.
  24. After a few minutes, riot police moved into the crowd after it was ordered to disperse.
  25. Hungary has expressed mounting concern over what it says are Romanian moves to cut back Hungarian-language education and disperse the minority throughout Romania.
  26. INDIAN police yesterday used teargas in Srinagar, summer capital of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, to disperse several thousand Kashmiri militants.
  27. At least one fire was set in the area, but a crowd of about 200 youths began to disperse by midnight.
  28. Police fired dozens of plastic bullets to disperse rioters, who wore masks to hide their identities from authorities.
  29. Troops opened fire to disperse the crowd, wounding 10 Shuweikah residents ranging in age from 16 to 31, hospital officials said.
  30. He said the "most obvious" shortcoming is the industry's research and development into better ways to disperse oil spills.
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