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 disjoint [dis'dʒɒint]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. (使)脱节, (使)解体, (使)脱臼

vi. (使)脱节, (使)解体, (使)脱臼

[医] 使关节分离

  1. The film was so disjointed that I couldn't tell you what the story was about.
    那部电影的情节支离破碎, 我简直说不出个所以然来.
  2. The disjoint collections of code and data reside within explicit boundaries called services.
  3. Unlike functions and components, the code and data of different services are disjoint and data from one service is kept private from the data of another service.


Disjoint \Dis*joint"\, a. [OF. desjoint, p. p. of desjoindre.
See {Disjoin}.]
Disjointed; unconnected; -- opposed to {conjoint}. --Milton.

Disjoint \Dis*joint"\, n. [From OF. desjoint, p. p. of
desjoindre. See {Disjoint}, v. t.]
Difficult situation; dilemma; strait. [Obs.] ``I stand in
such disjoint.'' --Chaucer.

Disjoint \Dis*joint"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disjointed}; p. pr.
& vb. n. {Disjointing}.]
1. To separate the joints of; to separate, as parts united by
joints; to put out of joint; to force out of its socket;
to dislocate; as, to disjoint limbs; to disjoint bones; to
disjoint a fowl in carving.

Yet what could swords or poisons, racks or flame,
But mangle and disjoint the brittle frame? --Prior.

2. To separate at junctures or joints; to break where parts
are united; to break in pieces; as, disjointed columns; to
disjoint an edifice.

Some half-ruined wall
Disjointed and about to fall. --Longfellow.

3. To break the natural order and relations of; to make
incoherent; as, a disjointed speech.

Disjoint \Dis*joint"\, v. i.
To fall in pieces. --Shak.

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