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 disjunctive conjunction 添加此单词到默认生词本

    disjunctive conjunction
    [ noun ]
    the conjunctive relation of units that expresses the disjunction of their meanings

    Disjunctive \Dis*junc"tive\, a. [L. disjunctivus: cf. F.
    1. Tending to disjoin; separating; disjoining.

    2. (Mus.) Pertaining to disjunct tetrachords. ``Disjunctive
    notes.'' --Moore (Encyc. of Music).

    {Disjunctive conjunction} (Gram.), one connecting
    grammatically two words or clauses, expressing at the same
    time an opposition or separation inherent in the notions
    or thoughts; as, either, or, neither, nor, but, although,
    except, lest, etc.

    {Disjunctive proposition}, a proposition in which the parts
    are connected by disjunctive conjunctions, specifying that
    one of two or more propositions may hold, but that no two
    propositions may hold at the same time; as it is either
    day or night.

    {Disjunctive syllogism} (Logic), one in which the major
    proposition is disjunctive; as, the earth moves in a
    circle or an ellipse; but in does not move in a circle,
    therefore it moves in an ellipse.

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