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 devoid [di'vɒid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 全无的, 缺乏的

  1. Devoid of sexual desire; frigid.
  2. The article is devoid of substantial matter.
  3. Devoid of gladness and gaiety.

[ adj ]
completely wanting or lacking
writing barren of insightyoung recruits destitute of experience
innocent of literary merit
the sentence was devoid of meaning

Devoid \De*void"\, v. t. [OE. devoiden to leave, OF. desvuidier,
desvoidier, to empty out. See {Void}.]
To empty out; to remove.

Devoid \De*void"\, a. [See {Devoid}, v. t.]
1. Void; empty; vacant. [Obs.] --Spenser.

2. Destitute; not in possession; -- with of; as, devoid of
sense; devoid of pity or of pride.

  1. This was really just a piece of political theatre: easy to understand, vibrant with symbolism, but devoid of operational significance. Europe is a different matter.
  2. It was hard to credit that he should put his name to such a feeble folk-fantasy, devoid of any inventive spark.
  3. For once an electorate has it in its head that an administration is exhausted, devoid of new ideas, at the end of its natural life the view that it is time for a change begins to take deep root.
  4. Wild cattle roamed a trackless waste otherwise devoid of mammal life.
  5. That model was devoid of today's "soft" demands for tax dollars and assumed that a community would make decisions to totally maintain its "hard" facilities.
  6. It is essential that the therapist and patient like each other so that interaction is devoid of inhibitions and frustrations that may turn to anger.
  7. In asking a judge in June to allow him to end his life, Kenneth Bergstedt described his existence as devoid of fulfillment.
  8. Analysts said that the copper market itself was devoid of developments and that copper futures were moved mainly by currency-market developments.
  9. What's left is language devoid of any feeling or emotion.
  10. As such, it's paint-by-numbers rock devoid of personality.
  11. For the most part they were young men in their teens and early 20s, devoid of political sophistication but fervent in their hate of Israel and the U.S.
  12. A sort of slavish admiration of Hitler, devoid of any moral sense, led him on.
  13. Inside sources say the compromise version will be virtually devoid of content, because the party cannot agree a positive policy position on Europe. One can see the Conservatives' problem.
  14. What these documents reveal is that not only were '60s radicals able to be idealistic about racial equality, international peace and other traditional visions; they could be idealistic about notions that were virtually devoid of content.
  15. The speech, devoid of policy content, was perfect for the occasion and Mr Aznar has become good at it.
  16. But we soon start to wonder whether she can have been devoid of virtue.
  17. The story exists in a world virtually devoid of contact with whites.
  18. The Republican presidential candidate, in a statement devoid of any support for the embattled attorney general, said Meese must make up his own mind on quitting.
  19. And his language is devoid of anything approaching romanticism.
  20. Soviet homes are devoid of the gadgets that get the American cook through a meal or the weekly laundry.
  21. "In this vacuum devoid of demand, gold could drift down into a fair value zone of $350 to $355 for the April contract," Mr. Savaiko said.
  22. Bentsen and Senate Republicans have crafted a moderate deficit-reduction plan, a collection of new taxes and spending cuts devoid of the soak-the-rich elements House Democrats put in their package.
  23. The streets of Johannesburg were devoid of the normal bustle of hawkers, black-run taxis and pedestrians.
  24. Eventually, Britain will have to make a decision of principle _ whether she wishes to be part of the new political entity being created in Western Europe, or remain an offshore island devoid of both power and influence.
  25. Jay Sekulow said NOW's allegations are "devoid of facts" and that there is no evidence Operation Rescue is involved in any type of violent activity outside clinics.
  26. What has been said about the presence of a photograph of captive Anderson is sheer fabrication and is absolutely devoid of truth.
  27. Unlike other diving environs, the subterranean lake is devoid of life forms _ no sharks to worry about here _ and other distractions such as current, surges or tidal rushes.
  28. For college, he shuttled south to Princeton, where he came under the tutelage of an economics department curiously devoid of Keynesians.
  29. And where are the people?, you wonder, mesmerized by landscapes devoid of virtually everything but the occasional, empty-looking house or a clothesline with some tattered overalls.
  30. The Economist Intelligence Unit is predicting a deficit of only 83,000 tonnes. Mr Lawrence Eagles, analyst with GNI, the London futures broker, said yesterday's decline followed light trade selling in a market 'devoid of any speculative interest'.
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