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 devolution [,devә'lu:ʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 相传, 转让, 委付

[医] 退化, 异化

[经] 产权转移

  1. "Only a fool could think there was any advantage for Scotland in devolution." "I'm sorry but I don't agree."
  2. London has had a degree of devolution dating from about the same time in the form of the London Assembly.
  3. Third, we should streamline the administrative structure, and this is related to the devolution of powers.

[ noun ]
  1. the process of declining from a higher to a lower level of effective power or vitality or essential quality

  2. <noun.process>
  3. the delegation of authority (especially from a central to a regional government)

  4. <noun.act>

Devolution \Dev`o*lu"tion\, n. [LL. devolutio: cf. F.
1. The act of rolling down. [R.]

The devolution of earth down upon the valleys.

2. Transference from one person to another; a passing or
devolving upon a successor.

The devolution of the crown through a . . . channel
known and conformable to old constitutional
requisitions. --De Quincey.

  1. 'Their mad policies have infiltrated the Welsh party and are pushing it in a direction and at a rate that the people of Wales do not altogether want.' Conservatives are adamantly opposed to any form of devolution.
  2. It will also demonstrate the ability of new technology and the devolution of school budgets to foster public-private partnerships in a field where the private sector has a substantial contribution to make.
  3. I believe in devolution to community level.
  4. A devout traditional Anglican who considers liberation theology a threat to the integrity of the Gospel, Mr. Buthelezi understands the benefits of federalism and devolution and mistrusts central state hegemony.
  5. Again, the Clinton administration ought to be sympathetic: budget director Alice Rivlin proposed just such a devolution of power to states in her 1992 book, Reviving the American Dream. Gingrich's November revolution has turned Washington upside down.
  6. When Lord Palumbo arrived as chairman, with a blueprint for devolution and a slimmed down Council, it so appalled the then secretary-general, Luke Rittner, that he resigned.
  7. The worst and most unlikely outcome of devolution would be the eventual choice of Baltic-style independence by all three Celtic states.
  8. At the same time what looked earlier this year like promising moves towards a genuine devolution of power and responsibility to smaller operating companies is now in question again as the recentralisers and their KGB friends retake the initiative.
  9. 'Then we could stop blaming everything on the Sassenachs at Westminster.' Oddly enough, there is a stream of Scottish Tory thinking that, failing the status quo, would prefer independence to the fudge of devolution.
  10. The prime minister rightly charged that Labour's proposals for devolution are financially unconvincing.
  11. To the two opposition parties, if devolution is good for Brussels, it is even better for London.
  12. He prefers 'partnership' government, including ministerial posts for Liberal Democrats. Sir David also rebuffed reports that he might not vote against a Labour minority government's Queen's Speech if it included Scottish devolution but not PR.
  13. IT LOOKS as if the proposed great shake up for the UK arts world, the drive towards devolution, much loved by the last Arts Minister but one, Mr Richard Luce, is being laid gently to rest.
  14. Government negotiators will try to persuade Inkatha that the power-sharing deal would meet its demand for devolution of power to regions.
  15. His is the first government since the row over devolution which destroyed the Labour administration of the late 1970s which has not been able to dictate the terms of debate for a key piece of legislation.
  16. The subsidiarity principle - maximum devolution of decision-making - must be 'fully realised', the reports said. Renegotiation of Maastricht was not discussed on Tuesday.
  17. UK interest in his chances is all the keener because of Dehaene's enthusiasm for federalism, a bogey word in Britain. Dehaene wants faster political and economic European integration balanced by greater devolution of power to the regions.
  18. Scotland wants devolution, Northern Ireland will surely rejoin the south before the next century is many years old, and England itself is now a multi-racial society.
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