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 devastating ['dɛvəs`tetɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 毁灭性的, (非正式)很好的, 引人注目的

  1. The area is subject to devastating seasonal winds.
  2. Then came the devastating news.
  3. You look devastating in that new dress.

[ adj ]
  1. making light of

  2. <adj.all>
    afire with annihilating invective
    a devastating portrait of human folly
    to compliments inflated I've a withering reply
  3. wreaking or capable of wreaking complete destruction

  4. <adj.all>
    possessing annihilative power
    a devastating hurricane
    the guns opened a withering fire
  5. physically or spiritually devastating; often used in combination

  6. <adj.all>
    a crushing blow
    a crushing rejection

Devastate \Dev"as*tate\ (?; 277), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
{Devastated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Devastating}.] [L. devastatus,
p. p. of devastare to devastate; de + vastare to lay waste,
vastus waste. See {Vast}.]
To lay waste; to ravage; to desolate.

Whole countries . . . were devastated. --Macaulay.

Syn: To waste; ravage; desolate; destroy; demolish; plunder;

devastating \devastating\ adj.
1. highly critical; making light of; as, a devastating
portrait of human folly.

Syn: annihilating, withering.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. causing or capable of causing complete destruction; as, a
devastating hurricane.

Syn: annihilative.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. "It's going to be devastating," said Douglas Dirting, vice president of Tri-County Growers Inc., which normally has 400 people in the fields during mid-September.
  2. "The Bush-Cheney budget proposal, even after Kuwait, proposes devastating cuts," Mr. Aseritis notes.
  3. A year ago, for example, none foresaw the devastating drought that swept across much of the nation in the spring of 1988 or the economic grief it caused for hard-pressed farmers trying to recover from earlier financial troubles.
  4. Merchants' losses, while devastating to local economies, are believed to be only a fraction of the $4 billion Turkey says it is losing this year because it closed two Iraqi oil pipelines that run through the country and banned all trade with Iraq.
  5. "That was a devastating moment," Charlotte Fedders said in a recent interview, recalling the 5-year-old incident. "He thought it was the right thing for the kids-slash-me.
  6. The plant, located in the Armenian capital of Yerevan, was not damaged by the devastating Dec. 7 earthquake in another part of the small southern Soviet republic that borders Turkey.
  7. A father in another home 65 miles away copes with the devastating news he had a daughter he will never meet.
  8. The aim of the ABM treaty is to prevent either side from creating a nationwide protective network, under the theory that neither side would launch a nuclear attack if there was a possibility of devastating retaliation.
  9. The blast partially sank the 235,000-ton Barcelona, one of five ships damaged in a devastating, long-distance raid on the terminal by Iraqi warplanes at the weekend.
  10. "Although we come by success stories every so often, most of the feedback is devastating not only to individual persons and families but also to our national pride," she said.
  11. What is truly frightening is that despite our knowledge we continue to subsidise activities without regard to their devastating environmental - and economic - impacts,' said Mr George Miller, the committee's chairman.
  12. The property US slump of the late 1980s, though hurting Nashville more than other urban centres in the state, was not as devastating as that experienced by many other US cities - nor was the over-building as extreme.
  13. Such a campaign will have its most devastating impact on the mentally ill clients whom he claims to be representing.
  14. In Beirut, Shiite sources said this week Iran was pushing hard for the release of a hostage to express appreciation for relief supplies it received from the West after the devastating earthquake June 21.
  15. After the devastating San Francisco quake in October, a decision was made to strengthen a portion of an existing double-decked portion of the roadway by installing reinforced steel rods, Harding said.
  16. What is required is more saving in the economy, so that resources are channelled into exports. But higher interest rates would be politically devastating for the government and would doubtless have a deeply negative impact on consumers and industrialists.
  17. Aqazadeh repeated Iranian charges that the United States helped Iraq carry out a devastating air raid on Iran's Larak Island oil terminal in the mouth of the Strait of Hormuz May 18. Five tankers were set on fire.
  18. This would have a devastating effect on millions of people," he said in a state of the union message to the Congress of People's Deputies.
  19. Riley said damage in Charleston alone might reach $1 billion, but accurate assessments of the damage from the region's most devastating storm in 30 years would take days, at the least.
  20. "The first 250 million hits the bone and will cause real pain," Dukakis said. "The balance hits raw nerve and will be devastating to people, to families and to communities.
  21. Copper and crude oil reacted sharply to the concern that a crash yesterday could have a potentially devastating effect on the economy.
  22. Some issues were affected by Tuesday's devastating earthquake in the San Francisco area.
  23. The loss to the party of the black support that served Mr. Jackson so well in the primaries could indeed be devastating in what looks to be a close race between Mr. Dukakis and George Bush.
  24. Feldstein's paper was a devastating attack on the supply-siders, or at least it seemed so.
  25. O'Kicki sat impassively through the testimony with his second wife, Sylvia, at his side, but he said the trial was physically, emotionally and intellectually devastating.
  26. The devastating earthquake last October also exposed layers of corruption.
  27. Any interest rate increases in coming months could be devastating.
  28. His extradition occurred just two days after a devastating terrorist bombing blamed on cocaine traffickers killed dozens and wounded hundreds outside Colombia's police intelligence headquarters.
  29. The report said the sanctions were devastating the private business sector and causing suffering among workers who lost their jobs because of private business closings.
  30. But, according to James Schacht, chief deputy director of the Illinois Department of Insurance, "The effect could surely be devastating for the many insurance contracts where the government is a claimant."
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