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 developable [di'veləpəbl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 可发展的, 可显(影)的, 可开发的

  1. Studies the differential geometric properties of the cylindroidΣ, gives the firstand second fundamental forms and the asymptotic curves ofΣ and then proves thatΣ isnot developable.
  2. The crucial defect of this government's white paper was that it proposed to draw boundary lines tightly around the built-up areas of the conurbations, leaving them no breathing, no catswinging, no developable space.
  3. By making use of object- oriented view, in this paper we introduce how to use chain table structure simulating developable process of business in depositing and drawing money in bank, and so it solves the problem of utilizing

Developable \De*vel"op*a*ble\, a.
Capable of being developed. --J. Peile.

{Developable surface} (Math.), a surface described by a
moving right line, and such that consecutive positions of
the generator intersect each other. Hence, the surface can
be developed into a plane.

  1. They already own 44,000 acres of these "water farms," and some rural counties want to stop them before the cities can gobble up more of the water, developable land and tax base.
  2. Proponents hope that the roughly 70,000 acres of developable land left on Cape Cod will be more stringently monitored.
  3. For one thing, it offers the only substantial expanse of developable land in the overcrowded south-east.
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