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 demilitarization [di`mɪlətərɪ'zeʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 非军事化, 废除军备, 解除武装

    1. The guerrillas demand a demilitarization of Salvadoran society, full democratization of their country and a national economic pact.
    2. "The idea of demilitarization envisages the total withdrawal of all non-Cypriot forces from the Republic of Cyprus and the disbanding of all Cypriot armed forces," he said.
    3. Mrs. Chamorro, returning Monday from a Costa Rican summit in which Central American presidents addressed demilitarization of the region, said she wants to reduce the Sandinista army's size.
    4. Mrs. Chamorro, in a press conference in Tokyo, said she hopes to return the missiles, tanks and helicopters as part of the process of national demilitarization now under way, according to the Japanese press ageny Kyodo.
    5. If the plan succeeds, Denktash said, it would "naturally" lead to further steps toward demilitarization, "provided the U.N. is between us.
    6. The Soviet Union is prepared to take very far-reaching steps toward a demilitarization of Europe and in the overall European process.
    7. Our help is needed swiftly to bring about demilitarization and advance the whole Central American peace process.
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