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 demilitarized 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Larry G. Vogt, chief United Nations Command delegate to the armistice commission, refused to discuss the issue, saying the structure was built outside the demilitarized zone and not within the scope of the commission.
    2. These might be built along the model of demilitarized zones in the Golan Heights between Israel and Syria, which have proven highly successful in keeping the peace.
    3. Janning said demilitarized status could end when Europe worked out its security arrangements. "If there are no crises in Eastern Europe and there is no coup in the Soviet Union, that could happen as early as this decade," he said.
    4. North Korean loudspeakers along the demilitarized zone trumpeted songs and propaganda as the Quayles toured the area for four hours.
    5. Keeping Noriega's old officers "doesn't offer any guarantee that the new Public Forces will be efficient, respectful and demilitarized," he said.
    6. To insulate Kuwait from follow-on attacks, they are discussing what one aide calls "reciprocal" demilitarized zones along the Iraq-Kuwait border.
    7. The official North Korean tour of Panmunjom includes the use of a large-scale model to explain the demilitarized zone that was set up after the Korean War.
    8. It also proposes the demarcation line of non-aggression between the two sides be the current military demarcation line and that the demilitarized zone be made a genuine buffer zone with an inspection force from neutral nations kept in the DMZ.
    9. Dukakis served in the Army for just under two years, including 16 months as part of a United Nations contingent assigned to the demilitarized zone in Korea.
    10. The Mount Kumgang area, known for its beauty, is about 20 miles from the demilitarized zone that divides the Koreas.
    11. South Korea's National Police Headquarters said about 50 students were arrested Friday after trying to pass checkpoints leading to the demilitarized zone that divides the peninsula.
    12. North Korea said it will send a 20-member youth delegation to talks by students from North and South Korea slated for next Monday in the demilitarized border village of Panmunjom.
    13. He said North Korea continues to introduce modern weapons from the Soviet Union and deploys massive troops along the demilitarized zone separating the two nations, which technically remain at war.
    14. The story is a dizzyingly entertaining tale of Slothrop's departure from World War II London and his adventures wandering through demilitarized Europe searching, in part, for information on the German V-2 rockets.
    15. Kurdish leaders asked U.S. military commanders to create a demilitarized zone in northern Iraq and to press Baghdad to agree to Kurdish demands for autonomy.
    16. But this line, older and longer than the demilitarized zone that divides Korea, remains, a symbol of hate and intransigence.
    17. The defense secretary planned to spend three days in South Korea, including a trip to the demilitarized zone 35 miles north of Seoul.
    18. But, in a written statement read by Fitzwater, the White House called on Gorbachev to back up his statements about wanting demilitarized peace zones in Central America by discontinuing military assistance to the leftist government of Nicaragua.
    19. In their eyes, the chances of that happening have not faded despite 36 years of peace for the 300,000 residents of Kaeson City, five miles from the demilitarized zone that divides communist North Korea from the capitalist, U.S.-backed South.
    20. A South Korean navy ship recovered the body of the pilot of an American U-2 spy plane that crashed into the sea south of the Korean demilitarized zone.
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