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 dementia [dɪ'mɛnʃɪə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 痴呆

[医] 痴呆

  1. Drinking heavily did not affect overall dementia.
  2. UP TO65,000 people in Scotland are thought to have dementia.
  3. Dementia can also cause sudden mood changes and personality changes.

[ noun ]
mental deterioration of organic or functional origin

Dementia \De*men"ti*a\, n. [L., fr. demens. See {Dement}.]
Insanity; madness; esp. that form which consists in weakness
or total loss of thought and reason; mental imbecility;

  1. Though no treatment exists for the disease, SPECT could be valuable in separating treatable types of dementia that resemble Alzheimer's from actual Alzheimer's, Bonte said.
  2. With no medical breakthroughs, Perry said, by the middle of the next century there will be three times more hip fractures, four times as much demand for nursing home beds and eight times as many cases of dementia as in 1980.
  3. Alzheimer's, characterized by memory loss and other dementia, afflicts an estimated 5 million mostly elderly Americans.
  4. As the dementia progresses, patients often complain less about it. "In the midstage of the dementia, they don't know they're having any problems.
  5. As the dementia progresses, patients often complain less about it. "In the midstage of the dementia, they don't know they're having any problems.
  6. Using SPECT, he and his co-workers accurately have identified about 150 of 170 dementia patients as victims of Alzheimer's, an incurable disease of aging that afflicts up to four million Americans.
  7. Huntington's disease is an incurable, inherited nervous system disorder that causes dementia and early death.
  8. But researchers dispute Richards' view that AIDS virus carriers run a significant risk of developing AIDS dementia, particularly to a degree that would impair their job performance.
  9. Severe deficiency can lead to abnormal heartbeat, dementia, muscle spasms and convulsions, Hendler writes.
  10. Only a tiny minority of carriers who haven't developed other symptoms of AIDS show signs of dementia, said Bill Bailey, AIDS policy officer at the American Psychological Association in Washington, D.C.
  11. He argues that a growing body of evidence indicates that those who carry the AIDS virus suffer from "dementia," or deterioration of brain functions.
  12. Moreover, AIDS is an unpredictable disease, with such varied symptoms as pneumonia, cancer, dementia and emaciation.
  13. Near the bottom of the tentative list released Wednesday, and likely to be dropped from coverage, were treatments for dementia, skin problems, impacted teeth and sex-change operations.
  14. The study focused on multi-infarct dementia, which may cause about 20 percent of cases of progressive loss in mental faculties among the elderly.
  15. Such a process in people may help account for mental troubles such as memory loss and dementia often seen in people with AIDS, they said.
  16. In this study, 42% of the men and 49% of the women were found to suffer from "major mental illness (including schizophrenia and dementia)."
  17. For those involved in this crusade against the cruelest and most destructive of all diseases, we find it difficult to understand why the funding for this type of dementia is still pitifully small.
  18. I can understand that the diligent and solemn scholars who prepared the reports mentioned above would not wish to ascribe general dementia to those who are involved in our financial markets.
  19. By far the biggest cause of dementia in the elderly is Alzheimer's disease.
  20. Scientists reported that the drug azidothymidine, or AZT, may at least temporarily reverse some of the dementia and other neurological disorders associated with AIDS.
  21. Otherwise, he maintained, the companies could be liable in case of an accident caused by AIDS dementia, a complication in which the virus attacks the brain and neurological system.
  22. Both groups often require constant supervision because of dementia, which may cause victims to become forgetful and combative.
  23. Michael Ignatief's Scar Tissue (Chatto) is the most questioning of these books as it takes us deep into that heart-rending condition, dementia.
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