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 deliberative [dɪ'lɪbə`retɪv]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 慎重的, 审议的

  1. This article about" public policy in deliberative democracy" the discussion may take in these discusses one.
  2. This paper points out important issues and directions about how to realize the deliberative democracy from the technorealist perspective.
  3. Particularly significant is the so-called" executive privilege," which protects internal deliberative documents that contain advice or recommendations.

[ adj ]
involved in or characterized by deliberation and discussion and examination
a deliberative body

Deliberative \De*lib"er*a*tive\, n.
1. A discourse in which a question is discussed, or weighed
and examined. --Bacon.

2. A kind of rhetoric employed in proving a thing and
convincing others of its truth, in order to persuade them
to adopt it.

Deliberative \De*lib"er*a*tive\, a. [L. deliberativus: cf. F.
Pertaining to deliberation; proceeding or acting by
deliberation, or by discussion and examination; deliberating;
as, a deliberative body.

A consummate work of deliberative wisdom. --Bancroft.

The court of jurisdiction is to be distinguished from
the deliberative body, the advisers of the crown.

  1. His deliberative tone contrasted sharply with his angry, loud pronouncements in recent days in legislative debates on economic reform.
  2. "The whole focus has been subordinated to TV showmanship," said Jerry Calvert, a delegate from Bozeman, Mont. "This convention is much less a deliberative body than a television extravaganza.
  3. Prime-time choreography has sapped the Democratic National Convention of its spontaneity, reducing delegates to television props with no real deliberative role, some complained Thursday.
  4. "Properly implemented, the commission form results in a more open and deliberative decision-making process in which competing views are aired and considered before reaching a conclusion," said Asselstine.
  5. Macho nonsense of this type about world trade in the nation's highest deliberative body helps explain why confidence in the U.S. dollar has not been rock solid of late.
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