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 delicacies 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. To a chef, she is the city of delicacies.
  2. They feasted their guests with delicacies.
  3. The table delicacies journey is ending soon.

Delicacy \Del"i*ca*cy\, n.; pl. {Delicacies}. [From {Delicate},
1. The state or condition of being delicate; agreeableness to
the senses; delightfulness; as, delicacy of flavor, of
odor, and the like.

What choice to choose for delicacy best. --Milton.

2. Nicety or fineness of form, texture, or constitution;
softness; elegance; smoothness; tenderness; and hence,
frailty or weakness; as, the delicacy of a fiber or a
thread; delicacy of a hand or of the human form; delicacy
of the skin; delicacy of frame.

3. Nice propriety of manners or conduct; susceptibility or
tenderness of feeling; refinement; fastidiousness; and
hence, in an exaggerated sense, effeminacy; as, great
delicacy of behavior; delicacy in doing a kindness;
delicacy of character that unfits for earnest action.

You know your mother's delicacy in this point.

4. Addiction to pleasure; luxury; daintiness; indulgence;
luxurious or voluptuous treatment.

And to those dainty limbs which Nature lent
For gentle usage and soft delicacy? --Milton.

5. Nice and refined perception and discrimination; critical
niceness; fastidious accuracy.

That Augustan delicacy of taste which is the boast
of the great public schools of England. --Macaulay.

6. The state of being affected by slight causes;
sensitiveness; as, the delicacy of a chemist's balance.

7. That which is alluring, delicate, or refined; a luxury or
pleasure; something pleasant to the senses, especially to
the sense of taste; a dainty; as, delicacies of the table.

The merchants of the earth are waxed rich through
the abundance of her delicacies. --Rev. xviii.

8. Pleasure; gratification; delight. [Obs.]

He Rome brent for his delicacie. --Chaucer.

Syn: See {Dainty}.

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