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 counterdemonstration ['kauntə,deməns'treiʃən添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 反示威

    [ noun ]
    a demonstration held in opposition to another demonstration
    supporters of the president organized a counterdemonstration in his support

    1. Scores of supporters of the National Salvation Front, which took power after the revolution, began a small counterdemonstration, crying, "Terrorists!
    2. Members of Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir's right-wing Herut Party held a counterdemonstration with the theme "Jerusalem is Ours."
    3. Abortion rights advocates staged a counterdemonstration.
    4. About 50 pickets organized by the Texas-based American Family Association held a quiet counterdemonstration across the street.
    5. About 1,000 abortion-rights supporters trying to stage a counterdemonstration were forced to rally outside the Capitol Mall because they lacked a permit.
    6. Civil rights leaders and city officials had urged Atlantans to stay away from the rally, despite an anti-Klan group's call for a counterdemonstration.
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