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 counterespionage [`kaʊntɚ'ɛspɪənɪdʒ添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 反间谍活动

[法] 反间谍

    [ noun ]
    spying on the spies

    1. The weekend edition of Liberation reported that agents of the French counterespionage agency shot the footage in early 1989.
    2. Among them was Hans-Joachim Tiedge, West Germany's counterespionage officer in charge of catching East German spies.
    3. And visitors get an earful of the KGB's counterespionage victories.
    4. The head of Sweden's secret service resigned Monday, a day before a report was to be submitted to the government on the counterespionage agency.
    5. Some also broke into the section for counterespionage activities, but did not succeed in discovering the identities of the section's workers, Winderlich said.
    6. He then moved into intelligence work, serving as a member of the counterintelligence and counterespionage organization in 1969-1970.
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