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 correspondence [,kɒri'spɒndәns]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 相符, 通信, 信件

[医] 对应, 相对

[经] 通信关系, 往来信件

  1. I've got through a lot of correspondence today.
  2. As her private secretary he has access to all her correspondence.
    他是她的私人秘书, 能接触到她所有的信件.
  3. Where's the file of our recent correspondence?

[ noun ]
  1. communication by the exchange of letters

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. compatibility of observations

  4. <noun.attribute>
    there was no agreement between theory and measurement
    the results of two tests were in correspondence
  5. the relation of corresponding in degree or size or amount

  6. <noun.linkdef>
  7. (mathematics) an attribute of a shape or relation; exact reflection of form on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane

  8. <noun.attribute>
  9. similarity by virtue of corresponding

  10. <noun.attribute>

Correspondence \Cor`re*spond"ence\ (-sp?nd"ens), n. [Cf. F.
1. Friendly intercourse; reciprocal exchange of civilities;
especially, intercourse between persons by means of

Holding also good correspondence with the other
great men in the state. --Bacon.

To facilitate correspondence between one part of
London and another, was not originally one of the
objects of the post office. --Macaulay.

2. The letters which pass between correspondents.

3. Mutual adaptation, relation, or agreement, of one thing to
another; agreement; congruity; fitness; relation.

  1. Judging by the response in previous correspondence with creditors, that would have taken several months. Now they must consider different strategies to recover money.
  2. 'I must apologise that the previous correspondence was not factual,' she said.
  3. As her correspondence bears all the charming acuity of her best fiction, "The Letters of Edith Wharton" (Scribner's, 654 pages, $29.95) is a valuable literary chronicle.
  4. The main goal must be greater correspondence between the private interests of those who operate the system and the public's interest in having adequate national security at minimum cost.
  5. Most of the EPA's correspondence with industry representatives makes clear the industry's comments are welcome.
  6. After working together as patent examiners in Berne early in the century, Einstein and Besso kept up a lifelong correspondence that spanned five decades.
  7. In addition, education benefits for members of the military reserves _ now limited to only undergraduate college courses _ would be expanded to cover graduate school courses, technical schools, correspondence courses and on-the-job training.
  8. One may be used for drafting correspondence, for example, while another will hold information on customers.
  9. He took a correspondence course in writing while in high school. After graduating in 1956, he worked for six months at a sawmill and the next year married Maryann Burk.
  10. With due respect to "highly classified correspondence" and other buzzwords, the leakers are performing a public service.
  11. For one thing, Jason's correspondence with the "Kids America" staff has turned him into an "avid writer of letters."
  12. Press Association, the domestic British news agency, quoted the unnamed sources as saying they had correspondence linking British industry with Space Research Projects, the Brussels firm which Bull owned.
  13. Last week, Mrs. Trump's lawyers asked permission to question Marla Maples, the woman with whom Trump has been linked, and sought to limit Trump's access to his wife's diaries and correspondence from him to her.
  14. And, more importantly, they are no longer supplemented by the company's most recent memos, correspondence and reports.
  15. Stempel usually reads his correspondence," Crellin said.
  16. Secord emerged in correspondence last year between Mr. Green, the general's Washington lawyer, and Mr. Maas's publisher, Random House.
  17. You just see fit not to answer the correspondence.' 'I have not received your previous letters,' I pleaded. 'Look, Mr Brooker, I can understand one letter going missing, but not with the regularity we have tried to contact you.
  18. Pierce kept in close touch with Wilson, his top aide from 1981-84 and whom he once described as his "right hand." Among the correspondence in the files was a letter from Pierce to Wilson thanking him for helping arrange a dinner in Pierce's honor.
  19. This correspondence unravels rather the story of two absolutists set for head-on collision.
  20. Anyone who still views this dispute as the result of an arrogant American press should especially read the correspondence released in Singapore.
  21. Often, correspondence classes and credit for "life experience" are involved.
  22. It's a somber task, says correspondence secretary Marisse Reyes, though "sometimes we read the letters out loud for a laugh."
  23. Mandela, 70, who holds several honorary law degrees, did the course work for his bachelor of laws degree through the University of South Africa, one of the largest correspondence schools in the world.
  24. In the spring of 1990, Kennametal's outside legal counsel warned that dealings with Matrix could pose legal problems, according to various correspondence.
  25. In addition to seeking documents, computer files, and correspondence, federal agents even rummaged through trash bins, and they took away at least one file of photographs.
  26. The Daily News challenged Mr. Blotnick's claim that he is a psychologist, contending that his doctorate came from an unaccredited correspondence school.
  27. Be sure to include your address and a daytime telephone number, along with copies of service receipts and correspondence relating to the repair.
  28. It shows a marked correspondence in movements in utility yields relative to the market and shifts in the gilt/equity yield ratio. This habit of treating utilities as bond surrogates is odd.
  29. "The entire law-and-order structure of ours is called upon to guarantee strict observance of the citizens' rights to the inviolability of private life and the home, privacy of correspondence, postal and telegraph messages," he said.
  30. Sir, To add a twist to recent correspondence on GPs' working hours (Letters, February 5/6), l would like to suggest an improvement to benefit both doctors and patients.
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