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 correspondent [`kɔrɪ'spɑndənt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 通讯记者, 通信者

[经] 客户, 代理商行, 代理银行

  1. They are our Hong Kong correspondents.
  2. He is a poor correspondent.
  3. The information below was compiled by our correspondent.

[ noun ]
  1. someone who communicates by means of letters

  2. <noun.person>
  3. a journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media

  4. <noun.person>
[ adj ]
  1. similar or equivalent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar

  2. <adj.all>
    brains and computers are often considered analogous
    salmon roe is marketed as analogous to caviar

Correspondent \Cor`re*spond"ent\ (-ent), a. [Cf. F.
Suitable; adapted; fit; corresponding; congruous;
conformable; in accord or agreement; obedient; willing.

Action correspondent or repugnant unto the law.

As fast the correspondent passions rise. --Thomson.

I will be correspondent to command. --Shak.

Correspondent \Cor`re*spond"ent\, n.
1. One with whom intercourse is carried on by letter.

2. One who communicates information, etc., by letter or
telegram to a newspaper or periodical.

3. (Com.) One who carries on commercial intercourse by letter
or telegram with a person or firm at a distance.

  1. Anderson, 42, chief Middle East correspondent for The Associated Press, had been held the longest.
  2. Earlier in his career, he was Capitol Hill and White House reporter for Scripps-Howard News Service and a foreign correspondent for the New York Herald Tribune.
  3. Try telling that to a European Commissioner. James Morgan is economics correspondent of the BBC World Service.
  4. She was named correspondent in Norfolk in 1980, then transferred back to Richmond in 1982 to cover state government.
  5. Quayle also has selected veteran Time magazine correspondent David Beckwith to be his press secretary when he takes office as vice president.
  6. Their manner, their lack of I-was-there bombast, may make a few old-timers think of Ernie Pyle's musings on life after the war, thoughts that the famed war correspondent wrote in France in August 1944.
  7. The news cooperative announced the appointment June 15. Ms. Smith, 23, replaces Janet Cappiello, who was earlier named correspondent in Stamford, Conn.
  8. They said Mughniyeh may have been the chief kidnapper of American hostage Terry Anderson, chief Middle East correspondent for The Associated Press.
  9. Anderson, chief Middle East correspondent for The Associated Press, has been held the longest.
  10. "The plan is to start this on a regular basis," says Victor Linnik, Pravda correspondent in New York who's doubling as sales agent as the paper dips its toes into advertising.
  11. A Ghana news agency correspondent traveling with the multinational force reported 27 rebels were captured when the gunboat, a converted trawler, was seized as it was approaching two Nigerian frigates.
  12. Friedman, now the Times' chief diplomatic correspondent, was asked if he would ever return to Beirut.
  13. They are some of the reasons why a biography is long overdue. Maestro, The Life of Henry Cotton, is written by Peter Dobereiner, formerly the golf correspondent of The Observer.
  14. He was a war correspondent in both the Pacific and Europe during World War II, covering the assault on the Japanese in Burma and the Battle of the Bulge in Europe.
  15. When Cronkite left as anchor of the "CBS Evening News" in 1981 after 14 years as the top-rated network newscaster, he was made a special correspondent with an annual salary of about $1 million.
  16. In 1946, Laird became a foreign correspondent for CBS and worked in Paris and Berlin.
  17. The last time foreign correspondent Thomas L. Friedman won a Pulitzer Prize he said the moment was marred because he received the news while covering the bombing of the American Embassy in Beirut.
  18. But, by way of indication, on both days an AP correspondent and photographer accompanied crews on "medivac" missions, at least one ship was struck by gunfire.
  19. After returing to the Post, Denton served as Maryland editor, District of Columbia editor and correspondent in Lebanon.
  20. Ms. Walters, a veteran correspondent for ABC television, interviewed Mr. Ghorbanifar and Saudi businessman Adnan Khashoggi last December, less than three weeks after the Iran-Contra scandal erupted.
  21. VOA correspondent Al Pessin and Associated Press newsman John Pomfret were expelled from China after being accused of spreading rumors and lies about the military crackdown.
  22. Incredibly, it has been four years since the Saturday morning the telephone rang with word that Anderson, chief Middle East correspondent of The Associated Press, had been kidnapped by gunmen on the way home from a game of tennis.
  23. Terry Anderson, chief Middle East correspondent for The Associated Press, Has been held the longest.
  24. But if Bob Simon, CBS News's veteran war correspondent, interviews the soldier with a military escort by his side, will the soldier really tell the truth?
  25. A correspondent sent a guidebook and told her how the city's 300-year-old trees were destroyed by Hurricane Hugo.
  26. Associated Press correspondent Carol J. Williams visited Spitak, a city of more than 25,000 before the quake, and said the smells of burning and decomposing bodies were everywhere.
  27. He won the Pulitzer for his coverage of the Korean war in 1951 while serving as Far East correspondent for the old Chicago Daily News.
  28. People also were upset that they were not given information about reforms in the Soviet Union, the Trud correspondent wrote.
  29. In 1960, he became Alaska Statehouse correspondent in Juneau.
  30. While in Lebanon in the 1930s, Elath worked for the Reuters news agency and was a correspondent for the Davar and Palestine Post dailies, owned by the Histadrut Labor Federation.
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