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 copilot ['ko`paɪlət添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 副驾驶员

    [ noun ]
    a relief pilot on an airplane

    1. The pilot, copilot and flight engineer were all fired, the airline said.
    2. The court, by a 5-4 vote in 1988, extended that shield to military contractors in most cases as it threw out a $725,000 jury award to the family of a Marine helicopter copilot killed in a 1983 crash when he was unable to open an escape hatch.
    3. An audio tape played in a courtroom Friday featured a copilot saying "That's a gun," following the sounds of shots fired aboard a commuter jetliner that crashed in 1987, killing all 43 people aboard.
    4. A spokesman for Continental, owned by Continental Airlines Holdings Inc., points out that Mr. Bruecher eventually did pass all the required tests and that under FAA regulations he was "fully qualified" to copilot the jet.
    5. Zvonek had flown 12,125 hours in all aircraft, including 133 hours as a DC-9 copilot, but only 33 hours as a captain, investigators said.
    6. But the panel will continue investigating the Sept. 20 crash of Flight 5050, which killed two people, spokesman Dick Piperno said. The grand jury hopes to talk to the pilot and copilot, he said.
    7. Asked whether the plane had enough fuel to fly 15 miles to the northeast and turn around for another approach, the copilot said almost timidly, "I guess so.
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