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 copious ['kәupiәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 很多的, 丰富的, 内容丰富的

  1. The poor girl from an isolated village was deeply impressed by the copious quantities of food in the big city.
  2. She was a copious writer.
  3. Copious or abundant.

[ adj ]
  1. large in number or quantity (especially of discourse)

  2. <adj.all>
    she took copious notes
    a subject of voluminous legislation
  3. affording an abundant supply

  4. <adj.all>
    had ample food for the party
    copious provisions
    food is plentiful
    a plenteous grape harvest
    a rich supply

Copious \Co"pi*ous\, a. [L. copiosus, fr. copia abundance: cf.
F. copieux. See {Copy}, {Opulent}.]
Large in quantity or amount; plentiful; abundant; fruitful.

Kindly pours its copious treasures forth. --Thomson.

Hail, Son of God, Savior of men! thy name
Shall be the copious matter of my song. --Milton.

Syn: Ample; abundant; plentiful; plenteous; rich; full;
exuberant; overflowing; full. See {Ample}.

  1. Working out of his garage, Sanchez kept copious records of the victims of perceived rights abuses.
  2. Before disposing of an empty jar of peanut butter, for example, it must be cleaned thoroughly, which requires copious amounts of hot water and soap.
  3. Palace officials said doctors also administered platelets to thicken his blood, which has thinned after copious transfusions.
  4. Prolonged re-heating always risks over-cooking poultry, making it stringy and dull. The chicken poaching liquor is re-used here to produce a copious quantity of intensely flavoured sauce.
  5. The occasional difficulties - a scrap between Bates and her eldest son, an attempted rape - are all quickly swept away by copious waves of sentimentality.
  6. Trouble is, scientists haven't figured out how to hook sheep to cars, so instead of being a useful power source, the ruminants' copious methane output simply creates pollution.
  7. A woman in a home-knitted yellow suit wiped away copious tears with one hand.
  8. Forgotten is James Madison's subtle argument that such freedom is best preserved by a large or extensive republic with a commercial economy, accommodating a copious diversity of religious beliefs.
  9. Even unadventurous foreigners have been known to like these and Echikatsu will equally please a Japanese guest. The food is excellent, copious, and healthy.
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