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 coordinating [ko'ɔrdn.et添加此单词到默认生词本
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    [ adj ]
    serving to connect two grammatical constituents of identical construction
    `and' in `John and Mary' or in `John walked and Mary rode' is a coordinating conjunction; and so is `or' in `will you go or stay?'

    co-ordinate \co-ordinate\, coordinate
    \co*["o]r"di*nate\(-n[=a]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
    {Co["o]rdinated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Co["o]rdinating}.]
    1. To make co["o]rdinate; to put in the same order or rank;
    as, to co["o]rdinate ideas in classification.

    2. To give a common action, movement, or condition to; to
    regulate and combine so as to produce harmonious action;
    to adjust; to harmonize; as, to co["o]rdinate muscular

    3. to be co-ordinated; as, These activities co-ordinate well.

    Syn: coordinate.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    coordinating \coordinating\ co-ordinating \co-ordinating\adj.
    joining together words or phrases of equal grammatical rank.

    Syn: coordinative.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. Foreign Minister Moshe Arens today criticized the United States for coordinating with Arab states in drafting a U.N. resolution opposing settlement of Soviet Jews in occupied areas.
    2. David Tomlin, who is coordinating the SelectStocks program, and SelectStocks product manager Mark Berns demonstrated the SelectStocks 2 service in the AP booth.
    3. They said only 210 East Germans registered overnight with authorities at a refugee camp in Hungary coordinating the exodus westward.
    4. Scotland Yard said it was coordinating a nationwide police inquiry, but it refused to give details.
    5. "We're convinced that this tender offer has been corrupt from its very inception," said Joseph Katarincic, who's coordinating Koppers's legal strategy for Kirkpatrick & Lockhart, a prominent Pittsburgh firm.
    6. "It was the first indictment, but the investigation is not limited to Florida," said Brad Knutter, supervisor of the the Tampa U.S. Customs fraud group which is coordinating the probe.
    7. "This meeting aims at coordinating Arab positions so we can move forward quickly to convening an international peace conference," PLO chairman Yasser Arafat told reporters after meeting with King Hussein of Jordan and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.
    8. The first lawsuit was brought under the civil racketeering statute and accused the nine striking unions of coordinating a violent conspiracy to force a favorable labor settlement or the sale of the newspaper.
    9. A file server is the coordinating computer in a network; among many other tasks, it hands out data to the other computers, called clients, in the network.
    10. Pepe has been coordinating Gannett's customer service program since July.
    11. It said French forces would apply the resolution "with the necessary resolve." France has said its forces remain under French command, though they are coordinating with other countries.
    12. It's a question of all seven members coordinating their schedules, he said.
    13. Israel accuses Obeid of coordinating attacks by the Moslem fundamentalist Hezbollah on Israeli troops in south Lebanon.
    14. The National Guard Bureau is the Defense Department agency that serves as a coordinating body for the Guard forces in the various states.
    15. The church is coordinating with other relief agencies such as the Red Cross and the World Council of Churches to ship doctors, nurses and supplies to Armenia, but he had no immediate details to announce.
    16. Venezuela has been coordinating its efforts with those of Saudi Arabia for several weeks.
    17. It was undecided where the Soviets will be based, he said, but "we'll be in close touch, coordinating schedules and flights." Ozone in the atmosphere filters out the sun's ultraviolent rays, making life on Earth possible.
    18. The European Community's executive commission, which is coordinating the aid efforts _ has said rescheduling debts is outside its mandate.
    19. Plans will be worked out for coordinating the schedules of the mine-sweeping operations and the tanker convoys.
    20. First, management will not have to spend as much on coordinating and controlling information.
    21. The European Community is coordinating the work of 24 Western countries to funnel economic aid into Poland and Hungary.
    22. Will Price, president of the Chevron Corp. subsidiary, said the company was taking "full responsibility" in coordinating the cleanup effort, but did not say how much the effort might cost.
    23. An Iranian diplomat accused of coordinating the purchase of chemicals for making poison gas has left the country and won't return, the Foreign Ministry said Tuesday.
    24. The organizations's AIDS coordinating committee said it's 18-month study found discrimination persists against people who have AIDS or have been exposed to the human immunodeficiency virus that is believed to cause the disease.
    25. The proposal, issued yesterday by the Federal Reserve Board and the Bank of England, represents a major step toward coordinating bank regulation among major financial powers around the world.
    26. The agency previously has rejected overtures toward coordinating oil supply and demand plans because of hints of manipulation of production and prices that could involve.
    27. Andriesson, who is responsible for coordinating Western economic aid to the region, said Monday he hoped to visit East Germany before the end of the year to "get support for the tendency to democracy" in that country.
    28. During a show there are normally nine planes in formation, one soloist and the commander remains on the field coordinating the action by radio.
    29. The report also said that no way of coordinating the federal value-added tax with state and local taxes such as sales taxes has been determined.
    30. The council is a coordinating body for 59 Jewish organizations in the New York metropolitan area.
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