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 coordination [kәu,ɒ:di'neiʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 同等, 协调

[计] 协调; 进程协调

[化] 协调; 配位作用

[医] 协调

[经] 协调, 协作

  1. Functioning within a formal structure, as in the coordination and direction of activities.
  2. Lacking physical coordination, skill, or grace; clumsy.
  3. The art or operation of regulating occurrence, pace, or coordination to achieve the most desirable effects, as in music, the theater, athletics, or mechanics.

[ noun ]
  1. the skillful and effective interaction of movements

  2. <noun.cognition>
  3. the regulation of diverse elements into an integrated and harmonious operation

  4. <noun.act>
  5. the grammatical relation of two constituents having the same grammatical form

  6. <noun.linkdef>
  7. being of coordinate importance, rank, or degree

  8. <noun.cognition>

Coordination \Co*["o]r`di*na"tion\, n.
1. The act of co["o]rdinating; the act of putting in the same
order, class, rank, dignity, etc.; as, the co["o]rdination
of the executive, the legislative, and the judicial
authority in forming a government; the act of regulating
and combining so as to produce harmonious results;
harmonious adjustment; as, a co["o]rdination of functions.
``Co["o]rdination of muscular movement by the
cerebellum.'' --Carpenter.

2. The state of being co["o]rdinate, or of equal rank,
dignity, power, etc.

In this high court of parliament, there is a rare
co["o]rdination of power. --Howell.

  1. Growth has been sustained by focusing policies on improving the efficiency and flexibility of our economies and by strengthening our cooperative efforts and the coordination process.
  2. He was appointed director of regional coordination in 1972 and elected a regional vice president in 1976. He became president of J.C. Penney Stores and Catalog in 1983 and the same year was elected to the board of directors.
  3. The most common theory is that the Fed both wants to be seen intervening and would like a lower dollar before the G-7 meeting in order to reassure its partners in the group that the dollar is manageable and intervention coordination is effective.
  4. The new accord provides for coordination of flight schedules between Switzerland and Singapore and for cooperation in marketing, the statement said.
  5. In his speech, Mr. Camdessus suggested a greater role for the IMF in the coordination of currency exchange rates, a job now handled by the U.S.-dominated Group of Seven.
  6. "The food aid coordination will move very quickly, maybe as soon as next week," Ehlermann said.
  7. Breeden said the regulation system could be strengthened by improving coordination among regulators.
  8. The IMF leaders also will float informally separate ideas on currency coordination.
  9. In the Toronto economic communique, the countries repeated their pledge for close economic coordination, building on commitments made at the Tokyo summit in 1986 and the Venice summit last year.
  10. The plan calls for setting up a coordination committee with republics to ensure that the program is carried out, but doesn't clarify how the bans would be imposed.
  11. FAA recently chastised Delta for inadequate cockpit discipline and poor coordination and communications among pilots, and Delta has said that it will formalize the checklist process with increased emphasis on verbal challenges.
  12. They have to do that in close contact and coordination," he said.
  13. International cooperation involves more than coordination of macroeconomic policies.
  14. "International policy coordination is essential to the effective resolution of imbalances," said Oi, whose office compiled the report, which has been issued annually since 1949.
  15. "We haven't reached such type of coordination with the United States," he said.
  16. A safety review at Delta Air Lines shows improvements in operations and training, but lingering concern over "lapses in crew coordination and discipline" in some Delta cockpits, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.
  17. The process of economic policy coordination, which we have developed over the years, has contributed importantly to this economic performance.
  18. To take another example, in our 1986 Tokyo economic communique, we said: There should be close and continuous coordination of economic policy among the seven summit countries.
  19. Rep. Hamilton said the purpose of the meetings would be to "improve communications and perhaps coordination between the executive branch and the Fed."
  20. Haussmann, who two weeks ago announced tougher measures to protect against export violations, said better international coordination is needed to limit the spread of arms and chemical weapons technology.
  21. Currency traders, however, focused on signs that fuller coordination will be difficult to achieve.
  22. FCC officials have been upset by the lack of coordination among various telephone companies.
  23. The EMS was established in March 1979 to help achieve greater economic and monetary coordination among members of the Common Market.
  24. It came under NATO coordination three years later.
  25. The President expressed that Japan and the U.S. have worked closely in dealing with debt problems and economic policy coordination and reaffirmed his commitment, including cooperation in exchange markets.
  26. There is plenty of consultation, but the United States and other Western countries are stopping short of all-out coordination of their responses to Iraqi initiatives in the Persian Gulf, administration officials said Tuesday.
  27. Proponents also contend there would be improved coordination and more clear-cut control over British, French and Arab troops.
  28. However, I would not characterize it as coordination." He said it was "premature" to expect direct talks with Iran and "we're nowhere near that," but indicated indirect contacts would continue.
  29. Loss of balance and lack of muscular coordination can follow. Those struck generally do not die, but elderly people and those with other medical conditions can be affected more severely.
  30. Despite the growing recognition of international interdependence, political obstacles will continue to bar anything like true coordination of national policies.
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