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 cooperative society 添加此单词到默认生词本
[经] 合作社, 产业合作社, 消费合作社

  1. I think to be cooperative plays a very important role in today s society.
  2. Cooperative consciousness and teamwork spirit are indispensably basic competence needed in modern society.
  3. The rate of cooperative medical service in rural areas is one part of the well-off society evaluation Indicator system.

Cooperative \Co*["o]p"er*a*tive\, a.
Operating jointly to the same end.

{Co["o]perative society}, a society established on the
principle of a joint-stock association, for the production
of commodities, or their purchase and distribution for
consumption, or for the borrowing and lending of capital
among its members.

{Co["o]perative store}, a store established by a
co["o]perative society, where the members make their
purchases and share in the profits or losses.

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