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 coopt [kəu'ɔpt添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 增补…为新成员

  1. All the trucks were coopted to carry the wounded soldiers.
  2. Mr Robinson was coopted on to the standing committee.
  3. Seeking to coopt the youthful majority of Iranian society, the ageing clerics who control the Islamic Republic have lurched over the years from one course to another.

co-opt \co-opt"\, coopt \co*["o]pt"\, v. t. [See {Co["o]ptate}.
Cf. F. coopter.]
To choose or elect in concert with another. [R.]

Each of the hundred was to co["o]pt three others.

2. To choose or elect as a colleague or fellow member of a
group; as, The church members co-opted individuals from
similar backgrounds to replenish the congregation.
[PJC + WordNet 1.5]

3. To assimilate (a smaller group) into a larger group.

4. To persuade an opponent to join one's own side.

5. To appoint summarily (with or without the appointee's
[WordNet 1.5]

6. To appropriate (something rightly belonging to another) as
one's own; to preempt; as, to co-opt someone's name.

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