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 condensing engine 添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] 凝结动力机

    Condense \Con*dense"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Condensed}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Condensing}.] [L. condensare; con- + densare to make
    thick or dense, densus thick, dense: cf. F. condenser. See
    {Dense}, and cf. {Condensate}.]
    1. To make more close, compact, or dense; to compress or
    concentrate into a smaller compass; to consolidate; to
    abridge; to epitomize.

    In what shape they choose,
    Dilated or condensed, bright or obscure. --Milton.

    The secret course pursued at Brussels and at Madrid
    may be condensed into the usual formula,
    dissimulation, procrastination, and again
    dissimulation. --Motley.

    2. (Chem. & Physics) To reduce into another and denser form,
    as by cold or pressure; as, to condense gas into a liquid
    form, or steam into water.

    {Condensed milk}, milk reduced to the consistence of very
    thick cream by evaporation (usually with addition of
    sugar) for preservation and transportation.

    {Condensing engine}, a steam engine in which the steam is
    condensed after having exerted its force on the piston.

    Syn: To compress; contract; crowd; thicken; concentrate;
    abridge; epitomize; reduce.

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