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 condescend [`kɑndɪ'sɛnd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 谦逊, 屈就, 堕落

  1. Mr. Smith sometimes condescends to help his wife with the housework.
  2. He occasionally condescended to take bribes.
  3. Will you condescend to argue with him?


Condescend \Con`de*scend"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Condescended};
p. pr. & vb. n. {Condescending}.] [F. condescendre, LL.
condescendere, fr. L. con- + descendere. See {Descend}.]
1. To stoop or descend; to let one's self down; to submit; to
waive the privilege of rank or dignity; to accommodate
one's self to an inferior. ``Condescend to men of low
estate.'' --Rom. xii. 16.

Can they think me so broken, so debased
With corporal servitude, that my mind ever
Will condescend to such absurd commands? --Milton.

Spain's mighty monarch,
In gracious clemency, does condescend,
On these conditions, to become your friend.

Note: Often used ironically, implying an assumption of

Those who thought they were honoring me by
condescending to address a few words to me. --F.
W. Robinson.

2. To consent. [Obs.]

All parties willingly condescended heruento. --R.

Syn: To yield; stoop; descend; deign; vouchsafe.

  1. Aspe's availability is also engendering a certain amount of excitement on Wall Street - though it is not known if he would condescend to work for the gringos. In any event, Aspe has not, unlike many of his predecessors, left office fabulously wealthy.
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