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 condensation product 添加此单词到默认生词本
【化】 缩合产物
【医】 缩合物

    Condensation \Con`den*sa"tion\, n. [L. condensatio: cf. F.
    1. The act or process of condensing or of being condensed;
    the state of being condensed.

    He [Goldsmith] was a great and perhaps an unequaled
    master of the arts of selection and condensation.

    2. (Physics) The act or process of reducing, by depression of
    temperature or increase of pressure, etc., to another and
    denser form, as gas to the condition of a liquid or steam
    to water.

    3. (Chem.) A rearrangement or concentration of the different
    constituents of one or more substances into a distinct and
    definite compound of greater complexity and molecular
    weight, often resulting in an increase of density, as the
    condensation of oxygen into ozone, or of acetone into

    {Condensation product} (Chem.), a substance obtained by the
    polymerization of one substance, or by the union of two or
    more, with or without separation of some unimportant side

    {Surface condensation}, the system of condensing steam by
    contact with cold metallic surfaces, in distinction from
    condensation by the injection of cold water.

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