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 condensed [kən'denst]   添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 浓缩
vbl. 浓缩

  1. A verbal composition designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions in a vivid and imaginative way, characterized by the use of condensed language chosen for its sound and suggestive power and by the use of literary techn
  2. A liquid condensed from vapor in distillation.

Condense \Con*dense"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Condensed}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Condensing}.] [L. condensare; con- + densare to make
thick or dense, densus thick, dense: cf. F. condenser. See
{Dense}, and cf. {Condensate}.]
1. To make more close, compact, or dense; to compress or
concentrate into a smaller compass; to consolidate; to
abridge; to epitomize.

In what shape they choose,
Dilated or condensed, bright or obscure. --Milton.

The secret course pursued at Brussels and at Madrid
may be condensed into the usual formula,
dissimulation, procrastination, and again
dissimulation. --Motley.

2. (Chem. & Physics) To reduce into another and denser form,
as by cold or pressure; as, to condense gas into a liquid
form, or steam into water.

{Condensed milk}, milk reduced to the consistence of very
thick cream by evaporation (usually with addition of
sugar) for preservation and transportation.

{Condensing engine}, a steam engine in which the steam is
condensed after having exerted its force on the piston.

Syn: To compress; contract; crowd; thicken; concentrate;
abridge; epitomize; reduce.

condensed \condensed\ adj.
1. (Psychol) representing two or more ideas or emotions by a
single symbol; as, a condensed expression of various
feelings and ideas.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. shortened by rewriting with fewer words; -- used of texts;
as, a condensed book. Opposite of {unabridged}.

Syn: abridged.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

3. reduced to a stronger or more concentrated form; as,
condensed milk. Opposite of {uncondensed}.

Syn: concentrated[5].
[WordNet 1.5]

4. narrower than usual for a particular height; -- of
printers' type. Opposite of {expanded}.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. It said the plane carried 35 tons of rice, condensed milk, beans and tuna.
  2. "The company was build on condensed soup and we had to overcome a lot of skepticism to introduce a ready-to-serve soup," recalled Goerke, who joined the company in 1955 as a marketing analyst.
  3. FARM AID TO CBS: Last April's fourth annual "Farm Aid" music concert has been condensed to a two-hour special CBS will air this Saturday.
  4. Karl Lagerfeld, the son of a German condensed milk magnate who is now his arch-rival as chief designer of Chanel, came second.
  5. This is condensed from a forthcoming article in Freedom at Issue.
  6. "I contacted Smith, a wonderful Chicago composer and folk singer, and gave him sections of the novel that I had condensed into lyrics and asked him to set those lyrics to music which he did over the course of the summer," Galati says.
  7. Researchers smeared the shaven backs of mice with tars from the cigarettes' condensed smoke.
  8. The slick hovered about a mile from several beaches and a marsh this morning, but desert winds condensed it from a four-mile-long plume into a roundish, mile-long blob and were pushing it away from shore, officials said.
  9. Especially for condensed matter physicists, he might have added.
  10. The aerial picture of Stamford Bridge offers a condensed history not just of a soccer club but of England itself over the last 20 years. The Bridge was one of the few English grounds built to the Continental oval model.
  11. "Hong Kong was my first step into the Orient," said Brosnan. "It's a fascinating place, sort of a condensed version of New York City.
  12. This is a condensed version of an essay that will appear in the January issue of the Naval Institute Proceedings.
  13. Lukas said he only regretted that his 661-page book had been condensed to a four-hour script that largely overlooks his third family, the Divers, who tried to promote social justice amid a city in tumult.
  14. The La Lechera brand condensed milk is sold mainly in areas with large Hispanic populations, including California, Texas, and Arizona, Mr. Jameson said.
  15. In condensed form, it goes something like this: Back in the days before drinkers were heaped in with crack addicts and other drug fiends, they were a proud and defiant people.
  16. The study found that sales of European dairy products in Japan were hindered by import quotas on cream, butter, powdered whey, and condensed and powdered milk.
  17. A 'condensed' version will be published as a 300 page book early next year.
  18. While still in her 20s, she wrote for such prestigious shows as "The Hallmark Radio Hall of Fame," where she condensed major contemporary novels into 30 minutes of air time; "Mr.
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