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 concordat [kɔn'kɔ:dæt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 契约, 协定

[法] 合同, 教廷条约, 协定

    [ noun ]
    a signed written agreement between two or more parties (nations) to perform some action

    Concordat \Con*cor"dat\, n. [F. concordat, L. concordato, prop.
    p. p. of concordare. See {Concord}.]
    1. A compact, covenant, or agreement concerning anything.

    2. An agreement made between the pope and a sovereign or
    government for the regulation of ecclesiastical matters
    with which both are concerned; as, the concordat between
    Pope Pius VII and Bonaparte in 1801. --Hook.

    1. Perhaps that is why we have been reading stories about the prime minister negotiating a new fiscal concordat with the palace. Monarchists must hope that he is successful.
    2. Step one: the pro and anti European wings of the party are expected to settle around the concordat that he negotiated in the summer and published as an essay in The Economist.
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