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 concourse ['kɑnkors]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 集合, 总汇, 群集

  1. She's looking down on the continued bustling activity of the main terminal concourse.
  2. To protect your interest, the rates above will be superseded by any available special offer provided by Hotel Concourse.
  3. Our senior Cha Lei early at about9:00 had been to the Island reserving oven; Other core members had concourse at the park gate.

[ noun ]
  1. a large gathering of people

  2. <noun.group>
  3. a wide hallway in a building where people can walk

  4. <noun.artifact>
  5. a coming together of people

  6. <noun.act>

Concourse \Con"course\, n. [F. concours, L. concursus, fr.
concurrere to run together. See {Concur}.]
1. A moving, flowing, or running together; confluence.

The good frame of the universe was not the product
of chance or fortuitous concourse of particles of
matter. --Sir M. Hale.

2. An assembly; a gathering formed by a voluntary or
spontaneous moving and meeting in one place.

Amidst the concourse were to be seen the noble
ladies of Milan, in gay, fantastic cars, shining in
silk brocade. --Prescott.

3. The place or point of meeting or junction of two bodies.

The drop will begin to move toward the concourse of
the glasses. --Sir I.

4. An open space where several roads or paths meet; esp. an
open space in a park where several roads meet.

5. Concurrence; co["o]peration. [Obs.]

The divine providence is wont to afford its
concourse to such proceeding. --Barrow.

  1. Refreshments will be served and balloons handed out at the Alexandria, Va., main post office, while nearby Ballston Mall in Arlington serves up a party in the food concourse, where a special postal station is set up for the event.
  2. Until authorities cracked down a few years ago, dozens of homeless people congregated nightly in the parking garages and maintenance areas beneath the plaza or on the complex's concourse level, especially during the winter.
  3. About 400 passengers were evacuated from four trains, and another 75 to 100 people were evacuated from nearby platforms or the main concourse, he said.
  4. In the museum's concourse, a fantasy Lionel train layout - including a car with a tiny camera that broadcasts an "engineer's eye view" - will make its way through a gingerbread village.
  5. The burning Horizon Air plane stopped after it collided with a concourse passenger ramp Friday and the crisis ended in a shower of firefighting foam.
  6. A few years ago a local property developer bought the station, built a concourse above track level and created something akin to a mini-airport terminal. These days, the station hums with activity.
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