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 collared ['kɑlɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 有领圈的, 上了轭/颈圈的, (肉)成卷的

  1. Who's collared my pen?
  2. He collared the thief after a chase.
  3. Do you know who has collared my matches?

Collared \Col"lared\, a.
1. Wearing a collar. ``Collared with gold.'' --Chaucer.

2. (Her.) Wearing a collar; -- said of a man or beast used as
a bearing when a collar is represented as worn around the
neck or loins.

3. Rolled up and bound close with a string; as, collared
beef. See {To collar beef}, under {Collar}, v. t.

Collar \Col"lar\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Collared}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Collaring}.]
1. To seize by the collar.

2. To put a collar on.

3. to arrest, as a wanted criminal. Same as {put the collar

{To collar beef} (or other meat), to roll it up, and bind it
close with a string preparatory to cooking it.

  1. During the past two years scientists have collared about about 500, or one-fourth, of the estimated 2,000 non-migratory Canada geese living near the government nuclear complex, Blaylock said.
  2. The spread on the World Bank Eurobond tightened slightly to 20 basis points once the syndicate was broken. Meanwhile, the development of the collared floating-rate note structure in the sterling market has caught the attention of UK building societies.
  3. However, by late afternoon the price recovered somewhat and Morgan Stanley cited a yield spread of 108-109 basis points. The only other substantial deal, in an otherwise uneventful day, was a Dollars 150m collared floating-rate note for Citicorp.
  4. Indeed, only one of the five tigers had been collared.
  5. But if I had, and if the sheriff's men had collared me, I wouldn't have told them I was Pee-wee Herman. Especially not if I were Pee-wee Herman.
  6. While they may be feeling disgruntled, investors in collared and range FRNs should know by now that high coupons up-front are bound to entail greater risk.
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