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 collate [kɑ'let]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 校对, 校勘

[计] 整理

[经] 对照, 核对

  1. It's a basic model and doesn't collate.
  2. Sam: No, but it's a basic model and doesn't collate.
  3. Collate and develop assembly/ coating process documents.

[ verb ]
  1. compare critically; of texts

  2. <verb.cognition>
  3. to assemble in proper sequence

  4. <verb.contact>
    collate the papers

Collate \Col*late"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Collated}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Collating}.] [From {Collation}.]
1. To compare critically, as books or manuscripts, in order
to note the points of agreement or disagreement.

I must collage it, word, with the original Hebrew.

2. To gather and place in order, as the sheets of a book for

3. (Eccl.) To present and institute in a benefice, when the
person presenting is both the patron and the ordinary; --
followed by to.

4. To bestow or confer. [Obs.] --Jer. Taylor.

Collate \Col*late"\, v. i. (Ecl.)
To place in a benefice, when the person placing is both the
patron and the ordinary.

If the bishop neglets to collate within six months, the
right to do it devolves on the archbishop. --Encyc.

  1. No mention is made of the incident in the report and accounts. Russell argues that companies already have to collate most of these statistics for statutory purposes.
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