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 cock-up 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 一片混乱, 毫无秩序

  1. What a cock-up!
  2. She made a complete cock-up of the arrangements.
  3. Most accidents can be explained by cock-up rather than conspiracy theory.

  1. I am glad that I did so because as everyone now knows, last Saturday's Grand National produced the biggest cock-up - a spectacularly British cock-up - in the history of professional sport. I laughed until the tears ran.
  2. I am glad that I did so because as everyone now knows, last Saturday's Grand National produced the biggest cock-up - a spectacularly British cock-up - in the history of professional sport. I laughed until the tears ran.
  3. Now the owners have come up with a splendid wheeze for throwing that profit away, and the result is business as usual. The choice, in other words, is between conspiracy and cock-up.
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