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 cockfighting ['kɒkfaitiŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 斗鸡

  1. A person who promotes or attends cockfights.
  2. The paper analyzed the form and content of relationship between the government and enterprise of mining city on the basis of practice analysis, then modeled the game between the government and enterprise, and studied the cockfighting

[ noun ]
participation in the sport of matching gamecocks in a cockfight

Cockfighting \Cock"fight`ing\, n.
The act or practice of pitting gamecocks to fight.

Cockfighting \Cock"fight`ing\, a.
Addicted to cockfighting.

  1. Nelson, who called cockfighting a "blood sport," presented a petition with more than 2,000 signatures calling for the ban.
  2. His brightest moment in 20 years in the legislature _ his hazel eyes light up when he recalls it _ was his speech against a bill to outlaw cockfighting in Oklahoma.
  3. Foreign buyers have been known to pay $3,000 a rooster for international cockfighting derbies in the Philippines or Guam.
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