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 clapping 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 掌声, 拍手声

[医] 拍打法(按摩的一种手法)

  1. The students enjoyed the speaker so much that the clapping continued for a long time.
  2. She clapped her hands in delight.
  3. He was on his feet clapping loudly.

[ noun ]
a demonstration of approval by clapping the hands together

Clap \Clap\ (kl[a^]p), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Clapped} (kl[a^]pt);
p. pr. & vb. n. {Clapping}.] [AS. clappan; akin to Icel. &
Sw. klappa, D, klappen, to clap, prate, G. klaffen, v. i., to
split open, yelp, klopfen, v. t. & i., to knock.]
1. To strike; to slap; to strike, or strike together, with a
quick motion, so, as to make a sharp noise; as, to clap
one's hands; a clapping of wings.

Then like a bird it sits and sings,
And whets and claps its silver wings. --Marvell.

2. To thrust, drive, put, or close, in a hasty or abrupt
manner; -- often followed by to, into, on, or upon.

He had just time to get in and clap to the door.

Clap an extinguisher upon your irony. --Lamb.

3. To manifest approbation of, by striking the hands
together; to applaud; as, to clap a performance.

{To clap hands}.
(a) To pledge faith by joining hands. [Obs.] --Shak.
(b) To express contempt or derision. [Obs.] --Lam. ii. 15.

{To clap hold of}, to seize roughly or quickly.

{To clap up}.
(a) To imprison hastily or without due formality.
(b) To make or contrive hastily. [Obs.] ``Was ever match
clapped up so suddenly?'' --Shak.

  1. 'In the concert you have the clapping of the audience, in business you have the clapping of the bank,' he says.
  2. 'In the concert you have the clapping of the audience, in business you have the clapping of the bank,' he says.
  3. The pounding rhythm, the haunting melody, the lyrics about imprisoned black leader Mandela, and the cheering, clapping teen-agers present an emotional scene.
  4. "I plan to get people there stamping their feet and clapping their hands so hard that enough new cracks in the Berlin Wall will appear to make it easier for future bulldozers to knock it over," Hampton said in a statement.
  5. The Africans' performances in Boston often prompted hoots of delight, rhythmic clapping and standing ovations.
  6. I say we do." Roemer was interrupted frequently by applause, including spirited clapping from Edwards, who conceded a runoff after trailing Roemer in his Oct. 24 primary bid for an unprecedented fourth term.
  7. "It's obvious that it would not be a maximum efficient use of resources just to start clapping everybody who's a drug user into jail or trying to fine them civilly," Thornburgh said Wednesday during a luncheon with reporters.
  8. "When 150 people are clapping for you, you've accomplished something.
  9. They chatted with groups of clapping tourists gathered in the square amid heavy security.
  10. "When it comes to public recognition of this devotion to duty, nurses have not had even one hand clapping," he said. "That isn't right.
  11. "Ceausescu, CPR!" the crowd thundered, using the abbreviation for the Romanian Communist Party and clapping in unison until silenced by a wave of the hand from the "conducator," or leader.
  12. About midnight Sunday, Western reporters outside Beijing University heard glass breaking and students clapping.
  13. Barbara Bush and several of the Bush children were among the clapping crowd that cheered the musicians on during the frenetic jam session.
  14. Barbara Bush and several of their children were also at Saturday's concert, clapping and cheering throughout.
  15. When hospital staff flashed the signs and she responded, "three or four people started clapping.
  16. Delta Flight 4082 from San Francisco had not even finished rolling up to the gate when Castellou-Vogel started his charges clapping.
  17. The newest member of Congress took the oath of office, which was administered by House Speaker Jim Wright, at midafternoon, and was quickly surrounded by colleagues, shaking hands and clapping her on the back.
  18. "You could hear cheers and clapping when we reacquired the signal," Thompson said.
  19. "When the monks got up to speak there was an explosion of clapping, an intense, emotional ovation," he said.
  20. A few whites, mostly young students, mingled with the black marchers, waving ANC banners and dancing and clapping.
  21. As she took her bow, many in the audience stood, clapping and shouting, "Bravo!" Miss Makarova defected in 1970 during the Kirov's last visit to London, saying she wanted greater artistic freedom and opportunity.
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