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 Claptons line 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. But during the past half-year the guitarist six-string cognoscenti are beginning to mention in the same breath as Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck has toured Japan as Mick Jagger's handpicked lead player.
    2. Clapton was not aboard the helicopter, said Al Zimmerman, chief dispatcher of the Walworth County Sheriff's Department.
    3. Clapton did go back to basics with an intimate 'Tears in Heaven', which now seems less maudlin and more heart felt, but then the blues got a grip again.
    4. He is just totally involved in it, listening to Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, his dad's songs _ only for guitar playing, I think.
    5. A helicopter crashed into a hill near a resort concert hall this morning, killing five people including members of rock star Eric Clapton's entourage, authorities said.
    6. Twisted Sister was not one of the numbers played." It's really Glenn Frey, Steve Miller, Eric Clapton, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and the name of the Martha and the Vandellas song is "Nowhere to Run."
    7. Clapton, 45, and Vaughan, 35, made their careers leading bands with guitar-driven rocking blues _ Clapton beginning in his native England and Vaughan in Texas.
    8. Clapton, 45, and Vaughan, 35, made their careers leading bands with guitar-driven rocking blues _ Clapton beginning in his native England and Vaughan in Texas.
    9. Eric Clapton's annual residency at the Albert Hall long ago ceased to be a string of concerts, let alone rock concerts.
    10. His office is cluttered with the guitars _ one belonged to rock star Rick Derringer and another to Eric Clapton _ and he collects antique carnival games.
    11. But MTV and college radio reach only a small part of rock's aging audience, which seems to prefer an artist like Clapton who's fallen into formula, as "Crossroads" shows.
    12. It will be Clapton's first U.S. tour since 1987, although he appeared with the Rolling Stones several times during their just-completed "Steel Wheels" tour.
    13. Did I have material for an Eric Clapton album, `August,' he was producing?
    14. Clapton, who played with Vaughan at the concert Sunday night, landed safely in Chicago on another helicopter.
    15. "My roommate had the record," Wareham said. "I'm not really a fan of Eric Clapton, who's all over that record.
    16. Last month, four new asteroids were named after the Beatles, and another was christened Eric Clapton.
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