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 chick [tʃik]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 小鸡, 小鸟, 竹帘

  1. I breed some chicks for pets.
  2. The chick finally broke through the shell and struggled out (of it).
    小鸡终於破开蛋壳, 挣扎著(从中)钻了出来.
  3. Chicks are hatching from the eggs.

[ noun ]
  1. young bird especially of domestic fowl

  2. <noun.animal>
  3. informal terms for a (young) woman

  4. <noun.person>

Chick \Chick\ (ch[i^]k), v. i. [OE. chykkyn, chyke, chicken.]
To sprout, as seed in the ground; to vegetate. --Chalmers.

Chick \Chick\, n.
1. A chicken.

2. A child or young person; -- a term of endearment. --Shak.

3. a young woman; -- often considered offensive. [slang]

  1. Variety writers and editors also coined the slang words "pushover," "payoff," "freeloader," "chick," "disk jockey" and "whodunit."
  2. The baby bird, conceived by a pair of birds named Cayuma and Cachuma, was the fourth captive-bred condor chick successfully hatched, bringing the world's California condor population to 31.
  3. The chick has settled into a rhythm of pecking and resting, punctuated by cheeps, and appears to be strong and healthy, said Bill Toone, curator of birds at the park.
  4. In Europe, the poultry industry is most interested in a novel vaccine against Gumboro disease, which destroys the birds' immune system. The Gumboro vaccine could not normally be administered so early in the chick's life because it is too virulent.
  5. A California condor chick was coaxed from its egg Sunday as keepers clucked over the year's third successful hatching in an ongoing effort to save the giant vulture from extinction.
  6. After hatching, the chick was swaddled in a towel and put in the same type of incubator used for premature infants.
  7. Alert viewers had noticed the chick's distress and called in the situation to cable officials.
  8. Condor keepers at the San Diego Wild Animal Park are using Schmuckle's puppet to feed Molloko, the 2-week-old chick that was the product of the first captive mating in the history of the critically endangered species.
  9. Reininger said the male eagle hasn't been lonely since the death of his mate and the departure of his chick.
  10. The squawking chick was swaddled in a towel and placed in the same type of isolette used for premature infants.
  11. The first California condor born to captive parents is downing about 30 minced mice a day and slowly gaining weight, say keepers who are watching the bald, fluffy chick for infection.
  12. As French perched on the narrow ledge on the 21st floor, with the struggling chick in his hands, the mother falcon continually dove at his helmet, at one point dislodging it.
  13. The chick began using its lungs for the first time Sunday after it pushed its beak into an air pocket at the egg's narrow end, and could begin pecking through the blue-green shell at any time, he said.
  14. We're a little concerned that some of the nests might fall before incubation and chick rearing is over." Bald eagles, an endangered species in the state, nest here during the winter.
  15. The initial feeding was withheld until Thursday to give the chick, named Mandan, time to rest and build an appetite while being monitored by keepers for signs of a working digestive system.
  16. Borysenko said he got the bird as a chick three years ago.
  17. Named Shasta for the volcanic California mountain that was once a range for North America's largest land bird, the chick was helped out of its shell by keepers at San Diego Wild Animal Park, said park spokesman Tom Hanscom.
  18. The chick should win its struggle to break out of the the blue-green shell within the next three days, he said.
  19. Because the chick's bones are still soft and the joints have yet to set, the condition would become permanent if not attended to, he said.
  20. There's a biker chick for Windex.
  21. If it is, the chick would hatch in 55 to 66 days.
  22. "This small chick represents a big step back from the brink of extinction and a big step forward for recovery of the California condor," he said.
  23. The chick is in excellent health and "has become very active, performing a behavior called hop-flapping which causes it to bounce around in the isolette a bit," Hanscom said.
  24. The first chick, a 41.8-gram male named "Kentucky," emerged from its shell about 8:30 p.m. EST Friday at Kentucky Fried Chicken headquarters, the company said in a statement.
  25. The same problem occurred in an Andean condor chick born at the park and was successfully corrected by use of a gauze strip.
  26. Park officials had said they intended to intervene by Saturday if the chick, which began hatching Wednesday, hadn't emerged from the shell.
  27. Now with a direct view of the chick, we can tell every time it moves." The chick dislodged the dime-sized bit of shell Thursday on its second day of pecking at the egg, accompanied by a recording of vultures making hissing and grunting sounds.
  28. Now with a direct view of the chick, we can tell every time it moves." The chick dislodged the dime-sized bit of shell Thursday on its second day of pecking at the egg, accompanied by a recording of vultures making hissing and grunting sounds.
  29. The first egg opened Saturday and the second chick hatched Monday.
  30. The chick hatched about five weeks later, but on June 13 it was determined the eaglet had died.
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