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 chicken cholera 添加此单词到默认生词本
【医】 鸡霍乱

    Chicken \Chick"en\, n. [AS. cicen, cyceun, dim. of coc cock;
    akin to LG. kiken, k["u]ken, D. Kieken, kuiken, G.
    k["u]chkein. See {Cock} the animal.]
    1. A young bird or fowl, esp. a young barnyard fowl.

    2. A young person; a child; esp. a young woman; a maiden;
    same as {spring chicken}. ``Stella is no chicken.''

    {Chicken cholera}, a contagious disease of fowls; -- so
    called because first studied during the prevalence of a
    cholera epidemic in France. It has no resemblance to true

    Cholera \Chol"er*a\, n. [L., a bilious disease. See {Choler}.]
    One of several diseases affecting the digestive and
    intestinal tract and more or less dangerous to life, esp. the
    one commonly called Asiatic cholera.

    {Asiatic cholera}, a malignant and rapidly fatal disease,
    originating in Asia and frequently epidemic in the more
    filthy sections of other lands, to which the germ or
    specific poison may have been carried. It is characterized
    by diarrhea, rice-water evacuations, vomiting, cramps,
    pinched expression, and lividity, rapidly passing into a
    state of collapse, followed by death, or by a stage of
    reaction of fever.

    {Cholera bacillus}. See {Comma bacillus}.

    {Cholera infantum}, a dangerous summer disease, of infants,
    caused by hot weather, bad air, or poor milk, and
    especially fatal in large cities.

    {Cholera morbus}, a disease characterized by vomiting and
    purging, with gripings and cramps, usually caused by
    imprudence in diet or by gastrointestinal disturbance.

    {Chicken cholera}. See under {Chicken}.

    {Hog cholera}. See under {Hog}.

    {Sporadic cholera}, a disease somewhat resembling the Asiatic
    cholera, but originating where it occurs, and rarely
    becoming epidemic.

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