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 cheetah ['tʃi:tә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 猎豹

  1. He shows me some cheetah tracks.
  2. The world's fastest animal is the cheetah.
  3. Fourteen-month-old cheetah cubs play in tall grass, Botswana.

[ noun ]
long-legged spotted cat of Africa and southwestern Asia having nonretractile claws; the swiftest mammal; can be trained to run down game

Cheetah \Chee"tah\, n. [Hind. ch[=i]t[=a].] (Zo["o]l.)
A species of leopard ({Cyn[ae]lurus jubatus}) tamed and used
for hunting in India. The woolly cheetah of South Africa is
{Cyn[ae]lurus laneus}. It runs very fast in short spurts
while hunting. [Written also {chetah}.]

  1. Elephants, lions, leopards and cheetah await you.
  2. The ones towards the back had no idea why those further up were making haste and no inkling that the cheetah was back in doormat mode. This time there were no mistakes.
  3. Before Sunday's match, the prince is scheduled to appear at a $250-a-plate lunch and watch a display of wild and endangered animals, including a baby cheetah and an aardvark.
  4. Looking round a kopje on the way we found a dozing cheetah.
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