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 chef [ʃef]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 厨师

  1. I commended the chef on the excellent meal. I later wrote to commend him to his employer, the restaurant owner.
    我称赞厨师做的菜味道好. 随後我给雇用他的餐馆老板写了封信表扬他.
  2. The chef sprinkle poppy seed on the cake.
  3. The chef is not interested in Greek food.

[ noun ]
a professional cook

Chef \Chef\, n. [F.]
1. A chief or head person.

2. The head cook of large establishment, as a club, a family,

3. (Her.) Same as {Chief}.

  1. The chief chef was Williams, a nine-year pro veteran who has switched off with Jay Schroeder as the Redskins' signal-caller this season.
  2. The chef even furnished Mr. Monteleone with a piece of lavender cloth to nail down the proper shade.
  3. The chef Rasit Ozdemir is from Bolu, a province famed for its cooks.
  4. Master chef Julia Child thinks she knows how to make broccoli pleasing to the presidential palate.
  5. One hundred years after a Naples chef presented the queen of Italy with a patriotic pizza, purists and politicians want to "copyright" the simple recipe for a genuine Neapolitan pie.
  6. John Folse, the Cajun chef who prepared a Vatican state dinner last week for Roman Catholic bishops and cardinals, says he plans to send the pope a monthly bucket of seafood gumbo.
  7. In 1985 he was working as the executive chef at a suburban Holiday Inn here.
  8. The food processor infomercial stars Martin Yan, a well-known chef who has had his own cooking program.
  9. The New York Post said that Mitchel London, the chef at the mayor's residence, has been the subject of a probe by the city's Department of Investigation since April 26.
  10. The refugee, a former world-class chef, later repays their kindness by devoting her winnings from a lottery to creation of a sumptuous feast.
  11. Wearing kitchen duds, chef Jo Jung of the restaurant of the same name took the stand to testify that an anonymous chef 46 centuries ago was frying some dough and stuck a chopstick through it.
  12. Wearing kitchen duds, chef Jo Jung of the restaurant of the same name took the stand to testify that an anonymous chef 46 centuries ago was frying some dough and stuck a chopstick through it.
  13. Spago's owner, the well-known chef Wolfgang Puck, heard about the clone and asked W.D.I. to form a partnership; the joint venture has done well.
  14. And Reagan has twice personally complimented him on his cooking, the chef said.
  15. The Soviet Union is about to get a taste of Cajun-style diplomacy as chef John Folse carries his fiery recipes abroad and artist George Rodrigue introduces a new audience to his haunting portraits of Acadiana.
  16. Albert Kumin's "Luxuriate in Chocolate" was the most popular workshop, according to convention spokeswoman Valerie Bergman. Kumin, a renowned pastry chef and confectioner, designed menus for the White House.
  17. Daily and chef Kathy Ruiz cook with infusions _ the essences of various foods such as red peppers, carrots and roses that are distilled in oil.
  18. The chef has cooked for Reagan before, because the president generally stays at the Waldorf-Astoria when in New York.
  19. The chief chef at a popular seafood restaurant chain returned to the hospital where he had been a patient recently to perform some corrective surgery of his own.
  20. "Are you saying," he asked, "that I am just another chef?"
  21. 'Luxembourg has always been very favourable toward Europe,' says Mr Jim Cloos, chef du cabinet to Mr Rene Steichen, Luxembourger commissioner in Brussels, responsible for agriculture.
  22. It became obvious quickly, though, that merely grilling meat or fish, however good the quality, will give neither the chef nor the customer much satisfaction. Lam believes passionately in the flavour-enhancing qualities of herbs.
  23. "This is the best competition," says Storm Snaith, a 35-year-old chef who races with her husband, MacLeod.
  24. That was the beauty of it." Ms. Lewis, currently consultant and chef of Gage and Tollner Restaurant in New York City, said Southern food catches on nationally because few people truly realize what it is.
  25. "We have nothing against professional women cooks," said Naegellen, noting that several women have stars and the chef of the two-starred Le Restaurant in Lille is Ghislaine Arabian, wife of the owner, Jean-Paul Arabian.
  26. "I lived in fear of word getting out that a chef had AIDS, and we'd lose all our customers," says DAKA President Allen R. Maxwell.
  27. "What I love is her wonderful sense of theater," the actress said of the chef. "She's not just a cook.
  28. Talent, application and hard work led to their appointment as joint chef patissiers at The Connaught in April. Ironically, that new position meant that the Power sisters have been forced to work apart for the first time in their lives.
  29. Joyce Goldstein, a San Francisco chef, says she expects to see fewer luxury restaurants in the coming years but not fewer people eating out.
  30. He was hired as an assistant chef in 1969 during the Nixon administration.
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