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 cedar ['si:dә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 雪松, 香椿

[医] 香柏, 杉, 雪松

  1. There are many cedars in this park.
  2. The pine, cedar and spruce are evergreens.
    松树、 雪松、 云杉都是常绿的树.
  3. The bird perched on a cedar by the window.

[ noun ]
  1. any of numerous trees of the family Cupressaceae that resemble cedars

  2. <noun.plant>
  3. durable aromatic wood of any of numerous cedar trees; especially wood of the red cedar often used for cedar chests

  4. <noun.plant>
  5. any cedar of the genus Cedrus

  6. <noun.plant>

Cedar \Ce"dar\, a.
Of or pertaining to cedar.

cedar \ce"dar\ (s[=e]"d[~e]r), n. [AS. ceder, fr. L. cedrus, Gr.
ke`dros.] (Bot.)
The name of several evergreen trees. The wood is remarkable
for its durability and fragrant odor.

Note: The cedar of Lebanon is the {Cedrus Libani}; the white
cedar ({Cupressus thyoides}) is now called
{Cham[oe]cyparis sph[ae]roidea}; American red cedar is
the {Juniperus Virginiana}; Spanish cedar, the West
Indian {Cedrela odorata}. Many other trees with
odoriferous wood are locally called cedar.

  1. The action comes after revelations that Stanford was charging the government for such things as $6,000 to line Stanford President Donald Kennedy's closet with cedar, $7,000 to buy sheets for his bed, and depreciation on the university's yacht.
  2. "I know just about where everything is - unless somebody moves it," said Beherns, who moves gracefully through the narrow and twisted passages in his workshop where the musty smell of cedar and the spicy aroma of freshly worked pine fill the air.
  3. Grade-schoolers made decorations for a 15-foot cedar tree brought in by a local farmer to put in the middle of town.
  4. It has a proper roof of cedar shingle which should protect from mild showers.
  5. Modern archaeological investigations generally have discredited the legends, but the origins of Lebanese cedar trees and wild lemons found in the landlocked region hundreds of miles from the coast never have been fully explained.
  6. He said: `The cedar is the one you pointed at.' I said, `We never discussed the cedar tree, that's 15 feet away."' The Journal quotes Page: "The dogwoods and lilac, that was a mistake.
  7. He said: `The cedar is the one you pointed at.' I said, `We never discussed the cedar tree, that's 15 feet away."' The Journal quotes Page: "The dogwoods and lilac, that was a mistake.
  8. For instance, at a large public rest stop on a Japanese highway, a Japanese cedar smell billows out of a central air conditioning system to relax travelers.
  9. Penk, 24, built a 200-foot-square maze of 6-foot-high cedar planks on the campus of Golden West College.
  10. The town square of Carthage, Albert Gore Jr.'s hometown, was nearly empty _ there were just a couple of men whittling cedar sticks.
  11. The apples are resistant to scab and, in varying degrees, fire blight, apple cedar rust and powdery mildew _ among the most prevalent diseases in the industry, and some are even resistant to bugs.
  12. The charges included $3,000 for two antique chairs and $6,000 to line President Donald Kennedy's closet with cedar.
  13. The customer had carved the bird out of leftover Alaska yellow cedar that was shipped by Robertson.
  14. The rose gardens are the particular province of a 70-year-old convicted murderer who sculpts rows of cedar hedges into geometric shapes.
  15. We don't move around much _ just once in 58 years." Of everything they lost, Mrs. Crisman misses her prized cedar hope chest the most.
  16. Locke carried the flute, a long wooden recorder fashioned from cedar with the mouthpiece made into the head of a bird, wrapped in cloth in a long leather tube slung across his shoulder.
  17. One mill that produces cedar shingles for roofing already has closed here, and another is struggling to find enough raw material. School enrollment has declined 12 percent since September.
  18. According to his wish, his ashes were scattered under a cedar tree outside his house beside those of his daughter, Marie-Jo.
  19. Ancient cedar trees were literally blowing up.
  20. There won't be any whiskey-sipping with "toothless old men in overalls whittling cedar sticks at a country store," as a Tennessee columnist wrote in conjuring up stereotypes the tourists might be looking for.
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