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 cedar camphor 添加此单词到默认生词本
【化】 雪松醇; 柏木醇

    Camphor \Cam"phor\ (k[a^]m"f[~e]r), n. [OE. camfere, F. camphre
    (cf. It. canfora, Sp. camfora, alcanfor, LL. canfora,
    camphora, NGr. kafoyra`), fr. Ar. k[=a]f[=u]r, prob. fr. Skr.
    1. A tough, white, aromatic resin, or gum, obtained from
    different species of the {Laurus} family, esp. from
    {Cinnamomum camphara} (the {Laurus camphora} of
    Linn[ae]us.). Camphor, {C10H16O}, is volatile and
    fragrant, and is used in medicine as a diaphoretic, a
    stimulant, or sedative.

    2. originally, a gum resembling ordinary camphor, obtained
    from a tree ({Dryobalanops aromatica} formerly
    {Dryobalanops camphora}) growing in Sumatra and Borneo;
    now applied to its main constituent, a terpene alcohol
    obtainable as a white solid {C10H18O}, called also {Borneo
    camphor}, {Malay camphor}, {Malayan camphor}, {camphor of
    Borneo}, {Sumatra camphor}, {bornyl alcohol}, {camphol},
    and {borneol}. The isomer from {Dryobalanops} is
    dextrorotatory; the levoratatory form is obtainable from
    other species of plants, and the racemic mixture may be
    obtained by reduction of camphor. It is used in perfumery,
    and for manufacture of its esters. See {Borneol}.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    Note: The name camphor is also applied to a number of bodies
    of similar appearance and properties, as {cedar
    camphor}, obtained from the red or pencil cedar
    ({Juniperus Virginiana}), and {peppermint camphor}, or
    {menthol}, obtained from the oil of peppermint.

    {Camphor oil} (Chem.), name variously given to certain
    oil-like products, obtained especially from the camphor

    {Camphor tree}, a large evergreen tree ({Cinnamomum
    Camphora}) with lax, smooth branches and shining
    triple-nerved lanceolate leaves, probably native in China,
    but now cultivated in most warm countries. Camphor is
    collected by a process of steaming the chips of the wood
    and subliming the product.

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