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 cavalierly [ˌkævə'lirli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 像骑士般地, 傲慢地

    [ adv ]
    in a proud and domineering manner
    he treated his staff cavalierly

    Cavalierly \Cav`a*lier"ly\, adv.
    In a supercilious, disdainful, or haughty manner; arrogantly.

    1. 'We are guilty of having run the business a bit cavalierly,' he added. Reed's management changes, and a promise that his Dollars 1.7bn cost-cutting scheme is on track, gave Citicorp's depressed share price a boost.
    2. For 45 years the law has been treated cavalierly in Poland, subordinated to the current political aims.
    3. But Jerry W. Friedheim, executive vice president of the publishers association, said the Justice Department "cavalierly dismissed the potential for monopoly abuse by the Bell operating companies."
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